[SOLVED] Help me find an OLD PC GAME


Mar 22, 2013
Hey guys,

there is this game from my childhood that my brother used to play and i got to play it 2 times i believe and i was having fun with it. i couldn't remember the name of the game. something about Sun.

basically the game is a modern day military game, where you capture oilrigs in the map and if i remember correctly you can buy humvees with it. the humvees are delivered to you by a Chinook helicopter.

this was around the early to late 90s where the game usually played was heroes of Might and Magic I, Dune something cant remember. possibly before red alert and star craft.

BY THE WAY bonus question i also saw my brother playing DUNE at the same time but i cant remember which version of DUNE that was. i remember hearing the game say harvester under attack or something.

these games, although OLD, really sentimental to me, at the time, having a PC in the Philippines is far from possible for regular kids. so i remember really at AWE watching games that i didn't thought was possible in a PC. back when PC was just for typing text messages on a black screen.

thanks in advance guys

thanks in Advance guys


Mar 22, 2013
Sounds like C&C but you mentioned Red Alert so maybe the first one.

Your mystery game should be listed here; expand list and look at titles associated with year and platform.


hey thanks for the list. i found the DUNE one i think its DUNE II a 1992 game .. i remember because of that COIN drop sound effect whenever your money counter increases ...

the first one is gonna be hard to find especially without pictures, its not one of the C&C games its way earlier i think. the scene is like dark as if its in the middle east, ima keep searching the list. thanks