Help me in getting the perfect peripherals combo


Aug 27, 2017
So, I finally collected around $500 to get peripherals for my gaming pc.I have tried searching a lot in getting the perfect combination but i keep on failing.So, can anyone of you recommend me the perfect combination of a gaming Keyboard,mouse and a headset.Minimal aesthetics would be appreciated.
Haha, those three things are so subjective. The perfect mouse first has to fit your hand size, which may be different than mine. Gaming keyboard? What kind of games? Some games use lots of macros, some don't. Cherry MX switches? If so, what color? I use a real pair of headphones, not a headset. You can add your own mic. One thing is for sure, for $500 you should be able to get the best of whatever you decide on.
I need gaming headphone, i have large sized hands so i guess you know what mouse i need and for the keyboard i want a good mechanical one.Here was my original list of peripheralsl
Razer Ornata chroma
Razer Deathadder elite
Razer Kraken 7.1 v2
but i decided to consult someone before.Thats why i ended up asking

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