T TiaMarie N Eric Bush Reputable May 25, 2015 2 0 4,510 May 25, 2015 #1 I turned of my gateway labtop during a reset to original settings Now all it says is Diagnosing your pc Preparing auto repair And repeats
I turned of my gateway labtop during a reset to original settings Now all it says is Diagnosing your pc Preparing auto repair And repeats
Boogieman_WD Judicious Jul 31, 2014 6,047 2 35,960 May 26, 2015 #2 Hey there. Here's a guide on how to solve the auto repair loop on Windows 8 - http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-windows_update/how-to-fix-the-automatic-repair-loop-in-windows-81/bfc92bc7-031f-45d4-b623-bcb4847d32fd Try out the methods and please let me know how everything goes. If this is not your version of Windows, please specify which one you're using. Hope that helps. Boogieman _WD Upvote 0 Downvote
Hey there. Here's a guide on how to solve the auto repair loop on Windows 8 - http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-windows_update/how-to-fix-the-automatic-repair-loop-in-windows-81/bfc92bc7-031f-45d4-b623-bcb4847d32fd Try out the methods and please let me know how everything goes. If this is not your version of Windows, please specify which one you're using. Hope that helps. Boogieman _WD