Question Help me to find the best MOBO for Ultra 7 265K

ziad ahmed

Jul 22, 2019
Hi , I need your advice about two MOBOs ,
Which is better : Gigabyte B860 Eagle WIFI6E - OR- Asus TUF Gaming B860-Plus WIFI.
The Targeted CPU is the Ultra 7 265K.
Note " Gaming is not the main target from the build " it's for 3D rendering and learning , Softwares like (Blender , Houdini & Unreal Engine 5 ).
And for further knowledge (How good is Gigabyte Boards those days, Specially for intel platform) how reliable is it ?
I've experienced so much deficits with Gigabyte here in " Egypt " I can tell both models (B450 Aorus Elite & B450 S2h ) are THE WORST MOBOs I've ever passed by.
The malfunctions of the VRM happened with those two models are countless , so for myself for my own built I don't want to take the risk.
BTW (MSI B860 Boards are not currently available in the local market so I can't hand over it)
Prices for both models in the local market : 212 USD for Gigabyte Eagle -- 237 USD for Asus TUF.
Thanks in advance.