So I saved my windows 8.1 onto a usb because I have new pc components coming in later today, and everything was working fine yesterday when I used my PC for the remainder of the day.
But today when I logged on my PC, it said it was loading up windows when I signed in, got a little notification on my task bar saying to view event history and the next time I sign in I'd require something or be locked out I believe. So it signed me in but it looks like I'm using some temporary account. My wallpaper is deleted, I was signed out of absolutely everything, etc. My hard drive didnt get deleted but is this because I put Windows 8.1 on a USB? Or is this a potential virus although I doubt that one cause my PC wasn't acting any differently last night.
Please I really need some help >.<
But today when I logged on my PC, it said it was loading up windows when I signed in, got a little notification on my task bar saying to view event history and the next time I sign in I'd require something or be locked out I believe. So it signed me in but it looks like I'm using some temporary account. My wallpaper is deleted, I was signed out of absolutely everything, etc. My hard drive didnt get deleted but is this because I put Windows 8.1 on a USB? Or is this a potential virus although I doubt that one cause my PC wasn't acting any differently last night.
Please I really need some help >.<