[SOLVED] Help need in upgrading the GPU

Hi everyone, At the moment I am using a GTX 660 2GB. I want to get an upgrade but still I have no clear idea about which one to go with. Brand new graphics cards are too expensive compared to the global prices there for I thought of getting a refurbished one. These are some of the options I have (GTX 760, GTX 960, RX 480). Mind that both GTX cards are 2GB versions. Which is more worthy to have compared to what I’m using now? I’m not expecting to play any high-end games but sometimes I play games like “Warface” but even with this card I’m having no problem with that game. All I need is an upgrade to some newer card mainly because I have been using this card for like 2~3 years by now. At some points this card makes annoying notices specially when it working at full load. any suggestion is appreciated.