hi guys i am a newby when it comes to knowledge surrounding p.c hardware/software etc but i am in the process of learning everything i need to know so i can build my own gameing rig,here is goes the monitor i`l be using is a samsung lcd with a resolution Display resolution (pixels)1920 x 1200 my budget is £1000.00 to spend on hardware/software i`v been reading there is no point maxing out the gpu if you havnt got the resolution on your screen is that right?also where is a good place to start to learn how to build your own rig,i need a system that could play arma 2 on a med high settings?also to play a game like arma 2 on med settings would that still outdo the graphics on say a ps3 game? i now its alot of questions but would apreciate your help,i hate my x-box 360 now lol