[SOLVED] Help needed identifiying this JST(?) connector?

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Mar 5, 2023
Hi there!

I got the Ora GrapheneQ headphones from a friend, with a dead battery and I wanna replace it.

I took out the old battery, however I'm not sure what connector this is.
At first glance it looks like a JST connector but I measured the pin pitch to be around 0.75mm and the JST SH is the smallest I could find (with 1mm).

Connector front side

Connector back side

Connector with 1mm sliding caliper
Connector with 1mm sliding caliper

Any ideas?
Thanks, bLind

JST connector specs:
Hi, thanks!
I have considered that, and if no one knows what connector that is, it's the only option besides replacing the female counterpart on the board as well.

However, it would still be interesting to know what connector I'm dealing with here, plus soldering those super thin cables often is a bit of a flub.
Can you take a picture of the battery its self, any make or model number on it?
Can you take a picture of the socket in the headphones?

Have you tried email customer service about a battery replacement or to see what the plug is.

according to one of their documents

Battery Replacement
The battery can be replaced by an qualified electronics professional. The battery is located
in the Left ear cup. The headphones use a standard 3.7V, 510 mAh LiPo battery with a socket
Connector socket "top view"

Connector socket "bottom view"

I have contacted support, they have not replied (yet).
The battery has a number on it, but I couldn't find anything connected with it.
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