[SOLVED] Help needed to identify the correct bios to reflash fake gpu ?

Feb 20, 2022
Hello everyone!!! I recently picked this fake GT730 4GB DDR5 on a flea market for $1. I told myself this could be a nice chance to test my RPi spi flasher. I though I'll be able to find more info on the board, chip etc. to help me identify the real model of this card but I'm kind of stuck. If anybody can recognize it it will be awesome. My best bet so far following this guide https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/fake-gpus-help-guide-please-stop-buying-them.284415/ is I'm looking at a GTS 450 1024MB DDR5 but I'm not definitely sure.
Thank you all in advance;
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Going into SPI flash I managed to read the content of the Pm25lq020b flash chip which is a 256K Bin file(EEPROM size), do we have any way to convert the 60K ROM file into the 256K BIN file needed to flash?
After days of frustration using Rpi and flashrom I decided to go with a different programmer: CH341A. Tested about 15 different bios for the GTS 450 1024 MB GDDR5 without any luck, some will show the classic artifacts on the screen, others won’t even allow to post. Earlier today I flashed this bios EVGA GTS 450 1024 MB BIOS aiming for a higher bios version and Voila!!! everything working perfectly with the card now. Drivers installed without any issues, stress tested with Furmark and other benchmarks and no crashes., temperatures a little over the hot side due to the stupidly cheap and clunky heatsink design the scammers are choosing.
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