Help needed with XP clutter.


Sep 10, 2005
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Help needed to clear out clutter from Xp installation. I'm sure if I
look around I'll find the answers to my questions, trouble is on this
occassion I don't have time so please help. I'm really caught between a
rock and a hard place.

I'm trying to regain some disk space and have noticed in the windows
folder there are a lot of files $NTUninstallKBXXXXXX plus KBXXXXXX plus
QXXXXXX. Can these be safely removed if I don't wish to uninstall any
XP updates. I know about deleting *.TMP and *.chk file but are there
any others that I can get shot of without regretting it.

Thanks in advance,

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

On 10 Sep 2005 10:29:08 -0700, "duffsparky"
<> wrote:

>Help needed to clear out clutter from Xp installation. I'm sure if I
>look around I'll find the answers to my questions, trouble is on this
>occassion I don't have time so please help. I'm really caught between a
>rock and a hard place.
$0 app will do much of ur work auto

>I'm trying to regain some disk space and have noticed in the windows
>folder there are a lot of files $NTUninstallKBXXXXXX plus KBXXXXXX plus
>QXXXXXX. Can these be safely removed if I don't wish to uninstall any
>XP updates.

$NTUninstallKBXXXXXX r ok to remove. Rest dont know.


Any advise given is my attempt to show appreciation for all
the excellent help I've received here but I'm no MVP so it
may only apply NUGS (Normally, Usually, Generally, Sometimes :)
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 18:01:31 GMT in
microsoft.public.windowsxp.general, Larry(LJL269) favored us with...
> Any advise given is my attempt to show appreciation for all
> the excellent help I've received here but I'm no MVP

That's a great sentiment. It would be even better if you spelled
"advice" correctly. (The noun is "advice"; "advise" is a verb.)

I'd have e-mailed you privately, but you choose to post with a bogus

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
A: Maybe because some people are too annoyed by top-posting.
Q: Why do I not get an answer to my question(s)?
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?