Question Help on buidling a computer with a RTX 2060!


Oct 14, 2023
Hello there,

Today, I want to ask you some help, because previously, I made 2 topic about my build:

In those topic, many people who answered said that my build was horrible, and I clearly see it. I can barely hold 60 fps at low settings due to the CPU, an Intel® Core™ 4790, paired with my RTX 2060. Indeed, the build is way too minimalist:

Motherboard: ASUS H97-PLUS (able to overclock) -- It doesn't support a better CPU or RAM.
OS: Windows 11 -- Well, don't ask me what did I do, but okay.
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4790 -- OK in 2023, but not enough to hold a RTX 2060.
GPU: NVIDIA RTX 2060 -- It's actually the only good thing I got in this computer hopefully.
RAM : G-SKILL 4x4 GB 1600MHz with XMP -- The best I can have, but can't be overclocked due to the CPU. Also, 1600MHz RAM is pretty slow...
Alimentation : FSP HEXA+ 500 MW - It's the strict minimum for my current build. I also heard that 500MW PSUs are often of a low quality.
Screen: ASUS TUF Gaming VG279Q1A (165 Hz, 1920x1080) -- This screen should match well my GPU. I would prefer keeping this screen, mostly because there are integrated crosshairs.
SSD: Samsung 860 EVO -- This disk should be OK. I will probably not use DirectStorage, and boot times aren't very important (Unless if we are talking about 3 minutes).
HDD: WDC WD10EZEX-08M2NA0 1TB -- It's where I put my games. I think I should be still okay to keep it.

Due to this old computer, I can only play in calm in some games, mostly backward-compatibility games. Any other modern titles are hard to play with that build. So, by enjoying the Black Friday, that are nowadays longer, and Chirstmas, I'll like to pass to something not overkill, but for at least playing at 100 FPS stable. I can't get out much money out of my pocket, so I can't test by myself many components, but I have a 650MW PSU in my basement. This should be already something concerning the upgrade. But concerning the rest of the components, I won't able to do this by making me sure there will be as less bottleneck as possible.

Oh, and here are my playing preferances:
Quality: Usually low, but I sometimes accept playing on a high quality (principally in old games).
Games: (Sorry if I have to put a link, Tom's Hardware apparently don't allow the names of my games).
Tasks: I make some video editing, recording, and gaming. It can also happens me to use a professional app like Office.
FPS objective: The minimun for feeling good while playing would be 100 FPS stable, but it would be better to go on 165 FPS, like my screen refresh rate.

I hope my informations are as complete as possible. If you have any other question, do not hesitate to react about it.

Best regards,

What's your budget? I'm running an I5-11400 with a 2060. They are a perfect match for each other in terms of bottlenecking. If you can afford the 11400 + a new motherboard and a 16gb kit of ram, I can pick some parts out for you. You can sell your current CPU, Mobo, Ram and get some cash. All other parts are fine, I'm also running a 500W PSU with no issues. Won't hurt to dig up that 650W of yours, though.
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What's your budget? I'm running an I5-11400 with a 2060.

Hey @elderMat7,

Thanks for your answer. Yes... I just forgot to talk about the budget. Whatever, I have no minimum question of budget, but I would not go up to 700 CHF (Or at the biggest maximum 800 CHF). In USA, I would be 792,96 CHF approximaively.

I should also mention, I would like to play more exigent games like Battlefield in the future. If I play not-so demanding games, it's because of my bottleneck.

Well, what *is* the 650W PSU in the basement?

*Laughs* that's the question. I think I'll check it later, since I will soon have to go. Whatever, is 650MW in general enough?

Thanks for your answers.
*Laughs* that's the question. I think I'll check it later, since I will soon have to go. Whatever, is 650MW in general enough?

Thanks for your answers.

That's bit like asking if a four-door car is enough. It might be, but there's a big difference between whether that car is a 2023 Toyota or a 1989 Yugo. Wattage amounts are *necessary* but not *sufficient* to be a PSU you want to use.
Hey @elderMat7,

Thanks for your answer. Yes... I just forgot to talk about the budget. Whatever, I have no minimum question of budget, but I would not go up to 700 CHF (Or at the biggest maximum 800 CHF). In USA, I would be 792,96 CHF approximaively.
So $800. Here are some parts that would go great together with your 2060:

With your GPU this is one of the best CPUs to go with to avoid bottlenecking.
Also as DSzymborski said, the brand of your PSU matters, it could be a low quality one. Give us it's exact model
Hey @elderMat7,

Thanks for your answer. Yes... I just forgot to talk about the budget. Whatever, I have no minimum question of budget, but I would not go up to 700 CHF (Or at the biggest maximum 800 CHF). In USA, I would be 792,96 CHF approximaively.

I should also mention, I would like to play more exigent games like Battlefield in the future. If I play not-so demanding games, it's because of my bottleneck.

*Laughs* that's the question. I think I'll check it later, since I will soon have to go. Whatever, is 650MW in general enough?

Thanks for your answers.
What is more important is where can you buy parts from. A generic list from the US does you no good as prices vary a bunch in different countries.

Can you buy from here or Amazon de. or where.
The 2060 isn’ta great card by today’s standards but still pretty decent for 1080p and maybe some 1440p with dlss or fsr. I actually was using a ryzen 5500 and rx 5600xt which is pretty similar to your 2060 and it really wasn’t bad.

On cpu you might see what a 12600k or kf runs also as that may be similar performance for less.
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