
Dec 18, 2007
hi all

i think i have reached my limits on overclocking my system and i would really like to reach the 4ghz barrier if possible if it cant be done then fine at least i got to the top. i am hitting 17000 on 3dmark 06 and 5.9 on vista performance monitor but i would really like to improve this maybe overclock my graphics cards i dont know my system is as follows

q6700 2.66 currently overclocked to 3.66 (watercooled)
4gb OCZ Reaper X
Asus Striker Extream flashed to latest bios
2 x 8800 GTX

if any body knows how to do this and give me instructions on how i would be so gratefull
If you want help on your overclock, you should post how you have it currently setup. That way we know what your settings are. (don't forget to include temps and voltages.)

What PSU are you using? You have a quad, 4GBs of ram, and two 8800GTX boards. If you want a stable overclock, then you are going to need stable power. Last, hitting 4GBs is nearly doubling the base CPU speed. It might not be possible.


Dec 18, 2007
ok here are the settings on my mobo
FSB&Momory config

fsb - memory clock mode = unlinked
fsb (QDR) MHz = 1450
MEM DDr Mhz = 950

Memory Timing Settings
tCL = 5
tRCD = 5
tRp = 7
tRAS = 5
command per clock = 2clock
trrd = auto
trc = auto
twr = auto
tref = auto
trd =auto
trfc = auto
async latency = auto

cpu multiplier = 10


vcore = 1.48750v
memory voltage = 2.050v
1.2 HT voltage = 1.50v
NB Core voltage = 1.55
SB Core voltage = 1.55v
CPU VTT voltage = 1.45v
ddr2 controller ref voltage = auto
ddr2 controller A ref voltage = auto
ddr2 controller B ref voltage = auto

i also have NVIDIA GPU Ex enabled and SLI-Ready Memory in expert

now for my temps

i have 36 degrees c on CPU and 32 degrees on MB
What speed is your ram rated for? I'm assuming by your first reply that you listed your PSU, not your RAMs speed. If you have DDR2 ram, you need to change your divider so that its running closer to 800MHz instead of 950MHz. I would also see about syncing the ram and the FSB together. Your RAM is clocked at 475MHz, while your FSB is 363-366MHz depending on who you ask.

To hit 4GHz, you need to get your FSB to 400MHz. (If you link your RAM to the FSB at 1:1, then you'd be running your ram at 800MHz. This is ideal if you have DDR2@800Mhz ram.) Thats a hell of a bump for a chip thats supposed to be running at 266MHz, which is why I said it might not be possible. Assuming you have DDR2-800MHz ram, this is what I'd do. Get the ram to 1:1, leave it at stock voltage. Leave the vcore and NB voltages alone, and just jump straight to 400MHz. 1) Its the setting you need to hit the 4GHz mark you want. 2) You won't encounter any FSB "holes". 3) It shouldn't cause any long term problems. If it doesn't work, it just won't boot. Hot the reset button and try something else.

I just looked up your motherboard, and noticed that its an Nvidia 680i board. Does the 680i even overclock to 400MHz? You might want to also try posting on an nvidia forum to see if you can get any help for that board.


Dec 18, 2007
ok i have tried that iset my ratio to 1:1 and set the ram back to 800mhz you guest right by the way the ram is 800mhz. i set the fsb to 1600 or 400mhz as you say and it booted but only as far as the windows vista loding screen then it rebooted ? do i need a overvoltage to sit with the fsb increase ? or is there any otherway to OC ?
Does Vista have the ability like XP to show you how far it got in the boot? (press F8, I don't remember which option to choose.) I'm curious as to where it is having the fault.

There are several things to try. First, try dropping the CPU multiplier down to 9. If the CPU can't handle 4GHz, maybe it will handle 3.6GHz better. (You said you had it at 3.66GHz, so this should boot.) If it still fails, then I'm inclined to thing the problem is with the motherboard. You can try upping the NB voltage more, I'm not sure what the max temp/voltage is. Make sure BEFORE you up it that you know that answer.

You can also try changing the PCIe frequency. Try raising it to 105 or 110 instead of 100.