[SOLVED] Help Overclock RAM

Jan 28, 2019
I am very new to overclocking and didn't realise that my new 16gb stick of DDR4 RAM would be clocked at 2133 mhz, not the 3000 mhz that it said on the box. Is it meant to be like this? If not please explain in a basic manner as I do not know much about bios etc. I tried to go into the bios and changer the clock speed manually to 3000mhz but when I did that my pc turned on and off a couple of times, then reverted back to the old clock speed.
Is this something to do with my CPU cooler not being good enough, it is a stock cooler. I also ahave quite a basic am4 motherboard, so could that be halting my overclocking?
No idea.
The A320 chipset doesn't typically support overclocking. But you could still run it at 2400. Sometimes you can accomplish that by enabling XMP, other times you have to manually set speed to 2400.
Jan 28, 2019

It is the AMD a320m pro-vd plus