Help Please (OCing GPU)

Boris Paskas

Feb 12, 2014
Hi , i have 640M LE and intel I3 3110M, i need to ask is 52C fine for my CPU in idle state? And how much could i get from overclocking 640M LE 2gb DDR3? I heard ppl getting like 1000/1000 for GPU clock speed and for the memory clock even more. And could you help me about it via nvidia inspector? Please >_<
That CPU tmps are little high as usual coz the tmps generally are 40 C. But it's fine. I don't know bout notebook OC'ing but you can just OC it by 20 MHz each time and applying the rate so that youe laptop stays stable. I prefer you overclock it not more than 50-70 MHz than the stock clocks. You can also blow your system if you overclock too much. Lood Luck. :)
That CPU tmps are little high as usual coz the tmps generally are 40 C. But it's fine. I don't know bout notebook OC'ing but you can just OC it by 20 MHz each time and applying the rate so that youe laptop stays stable. I prefer you overclock it not more than 50-70 MHz than the stock clocks. You can also blow your system if you overclock too much. Lood Luck. :)