help removing topic


Nov 12, 2016

I deleted my old account but the topic is not deleted. Can a admin help me edit a 1 post i made on account from 6 years ago. I need to delete the topic or get my name out of it for google reasons.

I dont know use PM here either. But i want to send the topic url private.

thanks for help!!
Unless you can varify you are the owner of said account the admins may cant help. I suggest PMing one tho by clicking on their name. This will bring them up and private message should be below their picture. Do know tho that most things on the internet are cached and possibly re-cached which will make it impossible to truely remove from google. Other forums may have quoted what you said and so on is another problem. This is why the old internet say 'nothing can ever be truely deleted from the internet' is true.

Thank you, once i click on someone name, and then profile, i cant see any PM icon. And I deleted the account but i was the owner. Edit: i can pm

Yup you may have to prove that to the admin. They may can look at the emails if both are the same.
Hi there. I've forwarded your request to someone who can help. Be a little patient as this is a weekend but it shouldn't take too long. :)