[Help] Sapphire HD 7970 OC Edition


Dec 12, 2012
Hello guys,

I am a major fan of FPS games like CoD and BF on the PC. I bought my new nice PC 2 weeks ago and i am facing some problems now..

It seems like the 125fps max'd in Black Ops 2 drops to a significant 90fps for me. I am using the 12.11 beta driver for the card.

Some might say that if i use a 60hz monitor, it doesnt show any difference but if you try it yourself, there is. Sprinting is a lot more faster on 125fps than 60.

CPU Temp: 55 ~ 65c
GPU Temp: 45 ~ 55c max

Both when gaming on load.

Please help me guys, i might rma the card as i am still under warranty. 😱

You know...I thought his avatar was familiar, but I didn't recognize why until I saw your link!