Help, went from GTX 970 to GTX 1070


Jul 3, 2016
My Specs
Alienware Aurora R3
046MHW (MB)
16gb ra
PSU 875w

My current GPU is GTX 970(2x6pin pcei connector), and runs great, no errors.

I upgraded to Gigabyte GTX 1070 (single 8 pin connector) Performance is on par with GTX 970 (no increase except in 3dmark benchmark)

I also get a few errors before Windows even starts "PXE-E01 Device and Vendor ID do not match!" It still boots to Windows. Also benchmarks in 3dmark also never go above 70-80%GPU usage, and if I over clock it, I get an error "Nvidia Kernal has stopped working but has recovered".

I think the GTX1070 is not getting enough voltage from my PSU rails.

PSU Rail setup
Their are two bundles of wires, one set to first rail and other set to 2nd rail. My GTX 970 I used one connector from EACH rail(2x6pin), works perfect.

GTX 1070 is just a single 8 pin connector, so I am only able to use 1 rail, I need to figure out what pcei adapter I can buy so I can use both rails to power card.

My PSU pcei connectors are as followed.

1st rail (6pin &6+2pin)
2nd rail (6pin & 6+2pin)

Could I possibly use 6pin(1st rail) and the +2pin (2nd rail) to power this single 8pin card? I really don't what caused them errors but if I put my old gtx 970 back in then all the errors disappear.
one of those 2 6-pin to single 8-pin would be good enough. same overall power and you can split the rails like you did before.

good luck.
did you uninstall the drivers for the 970? and then reinstall new ones for the 1070? this could cause the issues you're seeing.

but your psu should have ample power for the card. it's pretty decent for an oem unit. you should not need to do any funny wiring to get it working. the psu is the last place i'd be looking until i checked out the driver side of it.
Yes I used DDU and did a clean remove and install from safe mode and did not fix problem. I think I need to use both rails to power it like I do with the 970

Anyone know where I can get a Pcei splitter 2x6pin (female) to 8 pin (Male) or 2x6+2pin to 8 pin (male)? The 8pin male is what plugs into gpu
I have the same problem, others users around internet says when passed GPU-Z utility in subvendor appears undefined(0000) I believe the cause of problem is it.