I really don't know why in the last 3 months it is impossible to let my Epson WF-7710 printer on Windows 10 connect
I have posted my configuration many time on this forum
my hub is the TIM HUB+ Executive ZTE H388XF and i used it with the epson many years with no issue. front panel of the epson is working great with wifi signals on excellent ip adress correct
if i scan with wakemeonlan app the addresses epson status is off.
Does the printer have a static IP address?
If so, what IP address was assigned?
Run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt.
Copy and paste the full results here.
One possibility being that the hub was reset and may have reverted to its' default settings.
tried many times.now i have restarted the pc after a night and the printer launch last printing. crazy.
now bloccked here
NOW WAY to let work
I have posted my configuration many time on this forum
my hub is the TIM HUB+ Executive ZTE H388XF and i used it with the epson many years with no issue. front panel of the epson is working great with wifi signals on excellent ip adress correct
if i scan with wakemeonlan app the addresses epson status is off.

Does the printer have a static IP address?
If so, what IP address was assigned?
Run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt.

Copy and paste the full results here.
One possibility being that the hub was reset and may have reverted to its' default settings.
tried many times.now i have restarted the pc after a night and the printer launch last printing. crazy.

now bloccked here

NOW WAY to let work
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