Question Help with cables for noctis 450 rog

Apr 6, 2019
Hey so I've been building my pc and now I've stumbled upon something very confusing, I was plugging most of the cables in and noticed that I had a cable that looked like this:

now this got me rather confused because I have no clue where this goes, I have the molex cables that are connected to my psu which have female ports and then there's a male molex cable connected to that (which was initially hanging there in the case, I'm assuming it is for the rgb lights or something, feel free to comment about that too) with these 2 remaining molex ports I'm wondering whether that cable (that I took a pic of) is supposed to go into one and then the 4 pin goes somewhere? I'm honestly so confused about this because I don't even know what it is for, I've looked in the case manual and it doesn't provide any info about this. If anyone could clear up whether this cable that I took a pic of is for expandablilty or if I actually need to plug this somewhere that would be great!

(yes I'm new to pc building, if you think I explained poorly feel free to ask and I'll do my best to describe the problem further)