Help with cloning a smaller SSD to a bigger one


May 20, 2015
Hi guys, I really need your help.
I have a computer (Windos 7) with a 60GB Kingston SSDNow, and want to upgrade to an 120GB Samsung 850 EVO, also, I have an old 80GB Samsung SpinMaster with the Libraries.

I tried using Samsung Data Migraton, but twice I've got the error message: "Failed to retrieve source information 205500(0322bc)".

I already did sfc /scannow and chkdsk /f in both disks, but still got this message.

I'm downloading Acronis right now and I'm planning to move System Reserved, C: (System) and the SpinMaster partitions to the 850 EVO (IS IT POSSIBLE?), also I can't see the new SSD in Windows Explorer (probably 'cause it's not allocated; I've already initialized it in disk manager).

PS: If it helps, it crashes in 81%.
PS2: Sorry for the poor English skills.
samsung data migration has been awful lately especially with windows 10

i use the free version of macrium reflect

and you go to disk manager and initialise the new ssd


May 20, 2015

I'm using Windows 7, and I've already initialized the SSD in disk manager.
As I said: I'm planning to move System Reserved, C: (System) and the SpinMaster partition to the 850 EVO (IS IT POSSIBLE?)

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

You can't do that with a boot drive. It will lack most importantly the MBR to make it work as a boot drive.



Um, this does NOT work with the OS drive.
No you would not be able to copy the operating system that way. But any other files would copy. You would have to select the files. For example , selecting the uppermost file and hold the right mouse button down while dragging the pointer down to include the files you want.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

So you're posting literally the simplest file copy operation.... which has nothing at all to do with what the OP is asking. He is trying to clone a hard drive.

Before you start clapping yourself on the back for being soooo...... intelligent. He was talking moving data from multiple drives. to a single SSD. That is not a simple drive cloning.



Original statement:
"I have a computer (Windos 7) with a 60GB Kingston SSDNow, and want to upgrade to an 120GB Samsung 850 EVO, also, I have an old 80GB Samsung SpinMaster with the Libraries."

Nothing in there speaks to consolidating multiple drives into one.
Move the OS from the 60GB to the new 120GB
The 80GB drive with Libraries can stay exactly as it is.

But whatever....and copy/paste of what is in the Libraries would happen long after the clone from the 60GB to the new 120GB. Which is what he is trying to do, and where the fail happens.

I'm downloading Acronis right now and I'm planning to move System Reserved, C: (System) and the SpinMaster partitions to the 850 EVO (IS IT POSSIBLE?),



Do not do that with the Libraries on the 80GB drive.
That data you can simply copy over

Given a 120GB SSD, I would leave those on the current drive for now. Evaluate the resulting space on the 120GB drive before you move the Libraries.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!

If you consider me to be more intelligent by the fact I can actually read and respond to the post, vs your apparent inability to understand what he has asked and thus respond with how to copy files, then sure. Either way looks like USAFRet has this covered. Good day.

No that wasn't it at all. I had you pegged perfectly. I replied in black and white with the question that the OP actually asked. I'm just sorry that I got dragged into your BS. It wasn't the best day for this forum. Plus I didn't know that copying files was so uncouth. Imagine that. Plus the OP was already downloading cloning software without anyone's advice.

But, you have a good day as well.