Jun 21, 2019
I have an AMD Ryzen 1600 and GTX 1060 6gb. Recently, for an unknown reason, whenever I turn on the PC, after a few minutes of doing anything or even nothing, it starts acting up. Everything freezes for a bit, as in the image stays still for 0.1 ish seconds, not sure exact, but it's for a slight time. I exit the game and do normal things and it persists, even when I dont open Overwatch and just watch Netflix on the PC, it starts doing the same thing after a while. I tried updating drivers and whatnot and I keep getting 2 main BSOD errors; PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. Anyone have any Ideas for how to.fox this or troubleshoot? Thank you!
Jun 21, 2019
full system spec? include make and model of the psu

check cpu/gpu temp and usage during the game?
check ram/ssd/hdd usage during the game?

Ryzen 1600; GTX 1060 6gb; 16gb Ballistix 2400 MgHz Ram; 4 Drives, Main is 256gb M.2 SSD; PSU - Rosewill https://www.amazon.com/ROSEWILL-Computer-Warranty-LEPTON-500/dp/B0784B7ZWR

How do I check those during the game? All I can do is monitor the FPS and it goes down every now and then, but it isn't the gpu unable to keep up. I OC my Monitor to 75hz, but when i set it back to 60, the same things happen, even 30 fps gives me those drops
Jun 21, 2019
Here is an example of what would happen continuously, even out of the game. A frame would freeze for a fraction of a second and audio also goes with it. It isn't my computer being too slow because like I said, I set it to 60fps and even 30 and the same ting here was happening Giphy Image (You have to click on the image for it to run apparently)
View: https://gph.is/g/ZOlL06j