Question Help with my case fans

May 22, 2024
On my new pc, I have the cit flash argb case. It comes with 4 fans. They are connected through a load of 4 pin connectors that lead to a sata power cable. there is one of these 4 pins spare. They worked fine before but now the rgb turns off after a few seconds. Would getting a fan hub solve this issue. There is not one there and they cycle through random colours which i would like to change. Its kinda annoying. Its not a power issue because i have a 650w psu and only 550w gets used ever.
you will need to include the make & model of all components for any real insight into what is going on and how to get what you want out of it.


now the rgb turns off after a few seconds....and they cycle through random colours which i would like to change
how the fans are connected is a big deal here;
aRGB / basic RGB directly to the motherboard,
to a case header with a controller built-in,
are they daisy chained together, etc?

It comes with 4 fans. They are connected through a load of 4 pin connectors that lead to a sata power cable. there is one of these 4 pins spare
you should include an image of this setup.

it's possible that this "spare" PWM cable is supposed to be connected to a motherboard header to allow PWM control of this group of fans.
but you don't exactly explain if it is a cable or a header that is available.
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you will need to include the make & model of all components for any real insight into what is going on and how to get what you want out of it.


how the fans are connected is a big deal here;
aRGB / basic RGB directly to the motherboard,
to a case header with a controller built-in,
are they daisy chained together, etc?

you should include an image of this setup.

it's possible that this "spare" PWM cable is supposed to be connected to a motherboard header to allow PWM control of this group of fans.
but you don't exactly explain if it is a cable or a header that is available.
Thanks for the very helpful reply. I figured it out. I saw some other posts while waiting for a reply, I was looking around the pc and I saw that on the case there was a button that I originally thought was a reset button. during my research, people said that they had buttons to change the rgb. I thought why not try messing around with that to see where it goes and it looked like it might be connected to the fans. I booted up the pc and held it down, nothing. Short pressed it and the rgb turns on and i can go through all the settings. I feel like a total idiot lol. Its always the most simple thing that goes wrong lol. Thanks for the help. Now my pc looks pretty epic.
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4 fans. They are connected through a load of 4 pin connectors that lead to a sata power cable. there is one of these 4 pins spare.
this can still be a big deal in regards to overall cooling and noise produced.

you should include an image of this setup.

it's possible that this "spare" PWM cable is supposed to be connected to a motherboard header to allow PWM control of this group of fans.
but you don't exactly explain if it is a cable or a header that is available.
setting a proper fan curve can really help stabilize temperatures and to keep noise down whenever possible.
OP's only concern was the LIGHTS and ability to control the displays. As the case's web pages say, that is done by using what normally is the RESET button - it has been re-purposed in this case as the lighting display control.

OP may or may not have issues with cooling by those fans. It is NOT clear what kinds of connections are available on the four fans included, but some of the photos indicate they have connectors that are NOT the "Standard" type. That means ability to connect to a mobo header for control that way may be limited or impossible - unable to tell from the limited info available.
OP's only concern was the LIGHTS and ability to control the displays. As the case's web pages say, that is done by using what normally is the RESET button - it has been re-purposed in this case as the lighting display control.
and that has been determined and initiated.

OP may or may not have issues with cooling by those fans. It is NOT clear what kinds of connections are available on the four fans included
that is why images of this fan grouping have been requested.

and why not try and offer more help in further setting up this system's fan group?
without knowing what is available, and seeming the OP doesn't have much experience in this realm, allowing any fan speed control that may be available will always be a plus in any system.