help with picking vieo card



1st off I am so confused with all the reiews on video cards it makes me sick.. I would please like to have more imput on what card to pick up and this is gotta be a better place than reviews from test labs. I built a pc with a Abit mobo with the KT133 chipset and a duron 800mhz cpu and am getting overwhelmed by all the this "its great but..." So I have come to the basic conclusion, which one I get more reviews on is the card I am gitting. So if you people would be so kind to give imput on cards that you have and let me know what you think of of them I would really appreciate it. I am basicly doing allot of high end gaming and am in java on line classes which are video in video out to the classes themselvs. I don't need to be paying top buck or actually I can't. I did have a voodoo5 5000 and to me the only thing that was good was the glide of the gaming but to me that is all that card was good for so I sold it for 50.00 (to a friend mind you)and am not caring for all the T.V out and all that stuff. Anyway, input would be very much appreciated on all types of cards you people use. I am moving tward the Elsa Geoforce but like I say I need opinons from you PLEASE! Thanks to all in advance, from one confused mf...


Basically two options - ATI Radion or some GF2 GTS NVIDIA (Various Makes) Card both have versions which are roughly the same price and performance. My advice would be to look at their sites for support, drivers etc to that when something goes wrong, your prepared.
Personally I'd go for the GF2 option as these are used more by different manufactures although you cannot get suppport directly from NVIDA