I tried undervolting my CPU from 1.4 to 1.3 in Ryzen Master, but when I went to run the stress check in Aida64 I saw that my voltage (according to Ryzen Master) was going up to 1.35. Is this normal? Does it mean the stress test only certified my PC for 1.35 voltage, or does it also mean that my PC is certified for 1.3 voltage?
Also, Ryzen Master (its name here a disappointment) registered my iGPU speed as being 400, when in reality its supposed to be 1100. Does this mean the software lowers my iGPU whenever I use it, without readjusting the values manually? I would think so, except... when I operated at the unadjusted 400 value last night I was able to play games like StarCraft 2 just fine at high graphics, so that it seems like even at the 400 value my computer functions normally.
Also, Ryzen Master (its name here a disappointment) registered my iGPU speed as being 400, when in reality its supposed to be 1100. Does this mean the software lowers my iGPU whenever I use it, without readjusting the values manually? I would think so, except... when I operated at the unadjusted 400 value last night I was able to play games like StarCraft 2 just fine at high graphics, so that it seems like even at the 400 value my computer functions normally.