Hiding my router's location


Nov 8, 2010
I don't live in the US but I want to be able to access all of the services available on the Xbox for only the US, therefore I need to somehow make my router's location look like it's in the US. I've read all kinds of things about proxy servers, MAC addresses, IP addresses, and more but I haven't found a way to change the internet-facing IP address of the router, or any other method to change my router's apparent location. My xbox is wirelessly connected to my router so if the router's location is changed, US-only services should work.
Everything is possible, but making your Xbox look like it's in the US might be somewhat expensive, but it all depends on your budget and how badly you want it. You could rent server space in the US, create a VPN connection between that server and your PC (or server) and then route traffic through that VPN connection to make it look like it's from the US. There certainly are other solutions, but the Internet connection to the US site would most likely have to be from a US location.

If you wear blue jeans, watch crappy reality shows and do really bad at math, history and other general knowledge not having to do with what the Kardashian sisters did last night, it will probably think you are in the US. Maybe also buy a new $300 smartphone every 6 months while complaining about the economy and rich people not giving away enough of their money.