Question High 100% GPU usage slows down PC when gaming

May 21, 2022
Greetings I hope you can help me with this, the computer acts normal, I work on it using editing and illustration software, I often play games as well.

But suddenly now after minutes of running a GAME perfectly the GPU usage starts to ramp up until reach erratic but mostly 100% usage, the game slows down until freeze as well as the PC. closing the game stop the increasing usage %, which gradually goes down while the PC take some time to recover normal operational "flow".

I checked the basics: CPU and GPU temp is always under 50 °C
I uninstall and Reinstall Drivers (edit: I use DDU as well)

What is going on?

My pc:
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
AMD Radeon RX 5500XT
2x SSD WD blue (WDS100T2B0A-00SM50)
2x8GB RAM DDR4 Corsair Vengeance LPX (cmk16gx4m2b3200c16)
B450M -a PRO MAX

I'm new to this, I don't know what information you would need to help, I did search for other threads about similar issues, but I didn't feel they were the same issue. Please help.
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Use Task Manager and Resource Monitor to observe system performance. Use both tools but only one tool at at time.

Start observing before gaming and when/while the computer is stable.

Leave the observation window open but dragged to one side so you can watch for changes. Start gaming.

Watch what resources are being used, to what extent (%), and what is using any given resource.

How old is that EVGA 750 PSU? History of heavy use for video editing and gaming - correct?

My thought is that the PSU may be nearing its' designed in EOL (End of Life) and starting to falter or fail in some manner. It simply can no longer fulfill or keep up with the computer's power demands.
May 21, 2022
Use Task Manager and Resource Monitor to observe system performance. Use both tools but only one tool at at time.

Start observing before gaming and when/while the computer is stable.

Leave the observation window open but dragged to one side so you can watch for changes. Start gaming.

Watch what resources are being used, to what extent (%), and what is using any given resource.

How old is that EVGA 750 PSU? History of heavy use for video editing and gaming - correct?

My thought is that the PSU may be nearing its' designed in EOL (End of Life) and starting to falter or fail in some manner. It simply can no longer fulfill or keep up with the computer's power demands.

In my uneducated observation of the task manager, all numbers are okay when Idle, all usages are 1-2% (ram is 40%)
I test gaming with monster hunter rise.
When gaming, CPU and GPU are normal for a moment, under 50%. But a couple of minutes after the action/combat starts is when the GPU usage goes up. And only the GPU usage get to 100% and start to freeze the game and the computer.
The game (MHR) is the only process with high power consumption
No process seems to be using the CPU on any meaningful capacity (not even the game)

The EVGA 750 PSU have less than 3 years of use. I do game often, and this PC is On all day and only turn off at night when I go to bed

If the Resource Monitor shows more information... I don't know how to read it :/


A three year old PSU with heavy use is a likely suspect. What may be happening is that the PSU is unable to keep up with the GPU's power demands.

Especially when gaming.

Resource Monitor uses a timeline format to present errors, warnings and informational events in a horizontal calendar. It does not focus on the GPU.

What you look for are red circles and yellow triangles: both representing some event that may have caused a crash or otherwise interfered with system performance.

If you see, for example, increasing numbers of errors and varying errors (Error IDs) that is a sign that the PSU may be faltering.

However, if the problems begin or start after some particular date then you need to discover what may have occurred on that date. Perhaps a buggy or corrupt install, some configuration change , a failed update.

Clicking any given entry will provide more details. The details may or may not be helpful.

No rush - just explore the tool and learn how to navigate around and narrow in on what you see.

Pay attention to the column headers. Some columns have a small upward or downward pointing arrow at the top. Clicking the header will allow you to sort the data in ascending or descending order. Helpful if the column continually "jumps" around.

Another tool is Process Explorer (Microsoft, free)

Use it to discover more about what all is running on your computer. Could be that some background process launches while working/gaming and starts consuming the GPU.
May 21, 2022
I'm trying to check with multiple anti-malware software. Not at the same time, of course. let see how that turn out

But one thing that is happening these days is that the PC is not able to reboot properly when the problem manifest. I changed the cable that goes to the Graphic Card just to check, and the PC almost didn't want to turn on again. LEDs turn on but no screen image (neither from G.Card or M.Board)

does that mean something in particular?
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May 21, 2022
Hello, in an effort of consuming less power I turn off the XMP in the Mobo setup, and funny enough that SOLVE the Gaming problem, now games run perfectly, and the PC never slows down even under high usage.


Now the PC won't boot at the first attempt every morning (Stuck in the logo "Pro Series" from the mobo), that is simply bypassed by pressing the reset button, but obvious that is not okay.

I was just wondering if that could mean something in particular...??
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