High alert in U.S. after suspicious packages found in UK

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Looks like Al-Queda is at it again

UPS: "What's in the package.

US: "Electronics RMA.

UPS: "Is it worth more than $100?"

US: "Nah, it was broken when I received it. I got it working, but decided to RMA it anyway."

"Handle with care."




The talking heads are out in force to be sure.
O yes, the news networks are all over it.

The president stated that the packages found in both the UK and Dubai were indeed filled with an explosive substance. They were headed to or at least addressed to 2 synagogues in Chicago. So, it wasn't a "dry run" or a part of devices that were to be assembled later.

What a mess.
Oh, Im sure thisll be questioned if it contained explosives
Just like people enkoy blowing up tjeir own buildings, as the ones that say theres certain things you cant mention about certain people, while maintaining theyre the ones protecting freedom of speech

If this is news to anyone here, or should I say a surprise, wake up, they want to kill us, you too SS

I know what you mean and the idea of a set up to instilll fear is a common used tactic. It is like a "security" firm who offers protection adfter a series of reported breakins or fights in a club or something. They will mysteriously stop when the firm is employed.
A Halloween message for the people responsible.

Attention: [strike]DO NOT even [/strike]Please trick or treat this man's house.

The motive is control and power JD, as is everything with government. Take a look at all the BS that has happend this past decade. Nothing new has occured, just another terrorist attack. The difference was who it happened to.

The world got on fine before this happened but it not as fine after.
I wonder if tha Spaniards have forgotten as well?
Or do they also think its a governmental conspiracy, and that were all just gettin along peachy like

I understand what youre saying, but I also think youre denying history, recent history, considering world getting along fine thing
Now, if we wish to go beyond the Iraq war, or the gulf war, or even Israel, we can, and since this is typical of those whove targeted the west, Im not sure were just fine, then before then, or now
What I meant was that terrorist attacks have happened before now but they didn't seem to create all this hoohah that this one single attack did.

As far as I am aware the changes that have come into affect have had more impact on ordinary people's lives than any other before it.

Indeed, I would say it is the wars that have stopped there being more attacks on western countries. It isn't to think why that would be.
Im just wondering, what itll be next? First it was Israel, then the US.
Maybe if we just let them all be, they would no longer have motive, like control and power.
Certainly, those people would just stop.
Theyd stop blowing themselves up alongside innocent people
Theyd stop just because we said were sorry, and wont get invilved.
Theyd stop because, wed admit theyre right to blow up innocent people, and we just dont understand
Theyd quit if we just gave them a chance to do so

Now, what was that you were saying SS?
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