
Nov 30, 2012
Whenever I start a game after about 5 minutes or so I get a 60 Centigrade warning..

When I startup my computer its just a bit under 50 Celcius..

Computer Specs:

Chipset : Intel H61
Processor : Intel Core i7 2600 @ 3400 MHz
Physical Memory : 8192 MB (2 x 4096 DDR3-SDRAM )
Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Hard Disk : Western Digital WD20EARX-00ZUDB0 ATA Device (2000GB)
DVD-Rom Drive : ASUS DRW-24B3ST
Operating System : Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Media Center 6.01.7601 Service Pack 1 (64-bit)
Windows Performance Index : 5.9 on 7.9

PLEASE HELP! 🙁 :fou:

Well it sounds like there is an issue with your fan. It could be one of several options:

1) your cooler isn't seated properly

2) are you sure it isnt a sensor error? open up the bios and see what it says for the temp when on the bios.

3) your fan may be broken, and not able to cool off the heatsink. Open up your case and start your computer. does the fan spin? it should spin rather quickly.

4) in the BIOS, go into fan settings and try to turn all of your fans to max. If all of the fans are spinning and you still get the error, your fan is not seated on the cpu correctly, or you forgot to apply thermal paste or did not apply the correct amount thermal paste. Remove the fan, wipe the paste away and re-apply, putting on about a rice grain sized amount. When you mount the heatsink again, be sure to check it is properly seated.

if the problem persists, I can't help you
Are you using the stock HSF (heatsink/fan)? If so test to see that HSF is seated well by reaching in and try to pulling each of the twist clips straight up. If you can do this than the HSF wasnt seated well and this is the reason for the temperatures that you are seeing. Remove it and reapply thermal paste and make sure it is seated well this time.
I had a similar problem with my i5 with a stock fan... It didn't even start. I replaced it with another fan I bought and there was no problem. You also need to apply the thermal paste evenly.

ur cpu fan isnt mounted properly. intel has the worst heatsinks possable with there dumb plastic screws that never work.
+1 on everyones post, its either the heatsink or fan. Do yourself a favor and get an aftermarket cooler, they are so much better. Intel knows their coolers suck which is why they stopped making them for the ivy bridge series. That and price cuts.

Same here. My i5 refused to boot. Got a cheap fan and works fine. The plastic screws on the stock heatsink could not be screwed.
Hi. if you are gettng a 60C warning on an Intel then there is something wrong not with the HSF but with your offsets set for temp warning.
Sandy bridges have a 99C tjMax and can go upto 103C on cores. TjMax is for you cpu package, its read at the HSF, cpu contact so its low.
Any temp under 75C on load is safe for Core i processors. Please check the offsets for temp warning through BIOS.