Question High CPU usage while gaming


Dec 21, 2018
Hey guys, so basically the title. Idk if its being locked due to other hardware or its just kinda old.

Current specs:
cpu: i7-9700K OC'ed at 4GHz
Ram: 2x8 gb 3200
gpu: 6650 xt
mobo: Z370M gaming pro ac
psu: 650W seasonic

Any suggestions on what I should do?
CPU utilization depends on many factors. E.g if game is CPU bound or GPU bound. Then, how many background tasks you're running. Also, if you have FPS cap in-game or not.

But good way to see if you're held back by CPU or GPU, is to:
Take 2-4 of your games, on medium/high setting (or settings you play at, other than low/min) and look the FPS you're getting.
Then, reduce the in-game graphics to low/min and look if you had FPS increase.
You may even want to reduce reso (e.g from 1080p to 720p or 1440p to 1080p) to see if you gain FPS. But idea is to put lower load on GPU, to see if there is headroom in system or not.

If FPS did increase (more than ~10 FPS), then it means your CPU has headroom and better GPU can give more FPS.
But if FPS remained same (+/- 5 FPS), then your GPU is held back by the CPU and better GPU gives 0 in terms of performance. Whereby, better to look at CPU upgrade (that is, if CPU isn't bogged down by bloatware).

e. Idk if its being locked due to other hardware or its just kinda old.
To see which programs hog your system resources, download and run Process Explorer,

Guide on how to understand it,

psu: 650W seasonic
Model of the unit is? How old it is? And was it bought new or used/refurbished?
CPU utilization depends on many factors. E.g if game is CPU bound or GPU bound. Then, how many background tasks you're running. Also, if you have FPS cap in-game or not.

But good way to see if you're held back by CPU or GPU, is to:
Take 2-4 of your games, on medium/high setting (or settings you play at, other than low/min) and look the FPS you're getting.
Then, reduce the in-game graphics to low/min and look if you had FPS increase.
You may even want to reduce reso (e.g from 1080p to 720p or 1440p to 1080p) to see if you gain FPS. But idea is to put lower load on GPU, to see if there is headroom in system or not.

If FPS did increase (more than ~10 FPS), then it means your CPU has headroom and better GPU can give more FPS.
But if FPS remained same (+/- 5 FPS), then your GPU is held back by the CPU and better GPU gives 0 in terms of performance. Whereby, better to look at CPU upgrade (that is, if CPU isn't bogged down by bloatware).

To see which programs hog your system resources, download and run Process Explorer,

Guide on how to understand it,

Model of the unit is? How old it is? And was it bought new or used/refurbished?
my psu is this one:
bought new around 7-8 yrs ago, same as my mobo
my psu is this one:
bought new around 7-8 yrs ago, same as my mobo
👍 Good quality PSU. 10 year warranty.

I too have Focus unit myself, powering my old AMD build. But mine is 550W and 80+ Platinum efficiency (full specs with pics in my sig).

Though, you could slowly start to look towards new PSU. But Seasonic units are known for their reliability and i wouldn't worry (much) once PSU hits 10 year mark.
CPU is just showing its age. Its not a bad CPU by any standard, but newer games just aren't that optimized anymore so theyll pound at your CPU. What games are you playing that makes this happen exactly?