High frequency CPU monitoring


Jan 6, 2014

I'm looking for windows-based CPU monitoring software than can preferably log or display CPU load with a frequency of <100 msec.

I have a process which appears to use 0% CPU when viewed in the task manager and resource monitor, when in fact the CPU appears to be used repetitively for very short bursts (I'm getting a hint of this using the core temp software, displaying CPU load at 100 msec intervals). I'd like to log a second or two of CPU usage data and see what's going on.

Any suggestions?

Also I suspect that there is some sort of operational paradigm whereby a CPU must be seen to run at 100% usage when the sampling interval becomes small enough. I'd be interested if anyone can explain if this is case, e.g. can a CPU really run at 50%, or is it just running at 100% for half the sampling interval?

Use cpu-Z to verify that your multiplier is pegged at the top rate while testing.
A cpu runs at it's multiplier or not at all.
Verify in power management that your max cpu% is 100%.

In task manager/view, you can change the sampling rate from the default of 1 second to 1/2 second.