Since I use my flash drives in rather public places, I need a very small one, in order to minimize the risk of anyone bumping on one and bending/breaking it.
The problem with small flash drives is that they offer rather low performance and are generally not very durable. I'm going my flash drive quite heavily, meaning lots of sticking in/out, file transfer and video playback. In other words, I need very good access times and high read and write speeds.
I can imagine small form factor + high performance = $$$ but for now I only hope that the flash drive I'm describing actually exists. Consider money to be no issue (for now).
Thanks in advance!
Since I use my flash drives in rather public places, I need a very small one, in order to minimize the risk of anyone bumping on one and bending/breaking it.
The problem with small flash drives is that they offer rather low performance and are generally not very durable. I'm going my flash drive quite heavily, meaning lots of sticking in/out, file transfer and video playback. In other words, I need very good access times and high read and write speeds.
I can imagine small form factor + high performance = $$$ but for now I only hope that the flash drive I'm describing actually exists. Consider money to be no issue (for now).
Thanks in advance!