Question High temperature with Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 Black

Jul 25, 2024

I bought Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 Black tower type cooling for my Ryzen 5 3600x processor, but my processor easily sees 80 degrees in any stress test.

I am sure that I applied the paste correctly, I removed the gelatin on the metal block, the fans are facing in the right direction, I tightened the screws well, I think there should be no contact between the processor surface and the metal block, and I can't think of any other problems other than these.

My case is MSI Vampiric 010m and there are 3 Arctic F12 fans at the front and 2 p12 fans at the top. What do you think could be the source of my problem?
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

My case is MSI Vampiric 010m and there are 3 Arctic F12 fans at the front and 2 p12 fans at the top. What do you think could be the source of my problem?
If 80 Deg C is the max you see, you're fine. Is the dust filter up top on the case during those temps? Remove the front panel and see if that helps improve your temps, if it does then the case you have is the primary issue with a lack of venting in the front fascia of the case.
While I wouldn't call 80°C dangerous, it is on the hot side.
(what exactly is acceptable differs from person to person, some are fine running their CPU in the low 80s, others panic when they hit the mid 60s, some people prefer a cold system, others prefer a quiet system)
So some basic things
  • have you pulled off any foil that might be covering the cooler? (at the bottom where it goes on the CPU. Forgetting that can happen to everyone)
  • properly applied thermal paste? (It's just there to bridge tiny gaps on the surfaces, but if you use "too much", it will just be squeezed out.)
  • how is the fan curve set up? Does the fan properly ramp up when you stress it?
  • Do the temps improve if you set the fan to fixed max speed? (if not, there might not be proper contact to the CPU and the heat simply never reaches the cooler)
  • it comes with two fans, are both running properly?
  • you said you tightened the screws well, but it might be too tight and things bend. Try loosening them a tiny bit and see if things improve.
You said it hits 80 during stress test. What kind of stress test? Synthetic tests that hit the CPU full power like OCCT or prime95? Or CPU heavy benchmarks?
Jul 25, 2024
Hello, I thank you for your help and start my message by answering a few questions asked.

1- Yes, I removed the gelatin from my cooler.

2- I removed the front panel of my case and the glass on the side and ran the Power test via OCCT for 1 minute and during this time my processor hovered around 84 degrees. I would like to post an image, but I have no idea where to upload the image.

3- Yes, 2 of the fans are working properly and their directions are correct.

4- I think I applied the thermal paste properly, when I first applied it, I saw 81-82 degrees and I applied it again, thinking that it was less because of this, and when the result was the same again, I tried to apply the 3rd one and when the paste that came with the cooler ran out halfway through the application process, I added some of the mx4 paste I had and tried it and the result was the same again.

5- I think I have assembled the metal block properly, but when I tighten the 2 screws at the top and bottom to fix the block, I cannot reach the end completely, after a certain tightening, I don't know if it is due to the spring structure of the screws, but there is a squeaking sound and I stop turning it more because I feel like it is spinning for nothing. Should I tighten it to the point where tightening is almost impossible?

6- As for the fan speeds, I think they should be set to run at 100% at this degree, I will check this.

I can answer this way for now.