Historicon Thursday



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.historical (More info?)

I decided that i am going to go to Historicon Thursday night at somepoint.
Historically is there a good number of games running at the time. are there
enough games for everyone and enough gamers for all the games. just trying to
decide when i should arrive

Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.historical (More info?)

See for yourself. The initial program events listing [PEL] is posted on the
historicon web site.
More games to follow. You can see what is offered and when.
go to: www.historicon.org/

find the PEL listing on the left navigation bar, open up the Thursday events
and let 'er rip!

>I decided that i am going to go to Historicon Thursday night at somepoint.
>Historically is there a good number of games running at the time. are there
>enough games for everyone and enough gamers for all the games. just trying to
>decide when i should arrive
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.historical (More info?)

sorry but usually there is a note on the main page saying the PEL is up, but
since i didn't see one i never looked for the PEL.

now roughly how many people show up on thursday and what time do they usually
get there
vague terms are fime

Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.historical (More info?)

corzin@aol.com (Corzin) writes:

>now roughly how many people show up on thursday and what time do they usually
>get there
>vague terms are fime

Guys from Philly and Bawlmrr who start after breakfast, guys from NYC and DC
who get rolling at the crack of dawn, grab donut on way, have big early lunch
at Rapp's ...

The events in ye PEL may not be filled to capacity, but 'twill probably be
several players for each. Should you arrive anytime after Thursday breakfast,
methinks you wont find yourself lonely.

And where will you be starting from, BTW ?

Yours, John Desmond
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.historical (More info?)

King of prussia PA- an hour down the road- probably leave work early

the actually reason of the question is whether If there is a shortage of games
i would set up a 6+ person throught the 18th and 19th century field of honors
if there was a shortage of gamers i would play a game
