[SOLVED] Hitman 3 Update 3.20: FPS Drops


Feb 15, 2021
So earlier today I updated Hitman 3 on the Epic Games Launcher. Prior to the update the game ran fine, but now I experience huge drops down to 1 or so FPS.

I've tested other games (Control, Sonic Adventure, etc.) to make sure it isn't a gpu related issue and they seem to run fine. I also have the latest drivers for my 1660ti. I could try to uninstall/reinstall the gpu drivers to really be sure, but I don't know if that's necessary yet. Any possible solutions, or should I wait for the devs to patch the game?
Hitman 3 is a reletively brand new game. And with brand new games comes bugs. The problem most likely has nothing to do with you, but the game itself as it is not optimized fully. Because of that, there is probably no fix that you can try. So the only thing you can really do is sit back and binge on another game while the devs update the game, fixing whatever bug they caused.
Hitman 3 is a reletively brand new game. And with brand new games comes bugs. The problem most likely has nothing to do with you, but the game itself as it is not optimized fully. Because of that, there is probably no fix that you can try. So the only thing you can really do is sit back and binge on another game while the devs update the game, fixing whatever bug they caused.