Homeworld 2 spins up then crashes


Aug 1, 2011
i can play crysis fine at 40-50 fps full detail (no af/aa) on 1280x1024

but i just installed homeworld 2 and i heard the dvd spin up and then my computer restarts

the reason i put this in the psu thread is because the other day i was fooling around with volts and some of my direct to psu fans started going on and off (pretty noticeable as they are LED fans)

all my details are here

and yes, the 2 5670's run straight off pci power since they have no seperate power cable

oh the psu is a bequiet 530 purepower (their lowest brand)


Aug 1, 2011
sorry i forgot to put a question in!

do you guys think it might be the psu?

i figured memory errors can cause game crashes also, aswell as homeworld 2 being a pretty old game maybe it doesn't like my crossfire, but still a crash for that is a bit much, i thought it would just error and close if it was that.

it happens pretty much just as the cd spins up (not something that happens often these days) i hear it hit max spin and then the system just falls over.