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More info?)
cocomax schrieb:
> New stuff included:
> Exotics like energized sand and sand shields no longer are 100%
> effective.
Sounds okay, but on which level they are now working ?
> Sand Casters toned down in power against fighters.
-Why do you make SCs as an Anti Fighter weapon weaker if you at the same
time the PD boost with the argument that fighters are to hard ? Don't
understand this is not logical IMHO.
> A bad ship transporter error was fixed.
Fixes are always good.
> Glory Device only BBQ's 15,000 worms a blast.
Can not say something to this points, no times used and have so no
expierence. But what I heared it maybe good.
> Spice producion by worms reduced.
How much ?
> Base ION Cannons only work if the shields are turned off.
Who decides if the shield shall sht down that the Cannons can be fire,
must the player do it a turn before and then the whole turn the shield
is off or how do it work. Or do it go off if the Cannons fire and the
next combat tick they are switched on again ?
With thge infos you give I can not say anything about it but I fear some
That's make the Base with Ion Cannoins more vulverable for attacks, this
counter the idea that Base with Cannons should be not so weak why you
changed the ower of Ion Cannons.
> Base ION Cannons use 10 ord per shot, instead of just 1 ord
Do now work the Base reserve level work correct / good ?
From my expierence a new build ship get full or zero Ord loaded
depending if there is enough for a full load on the Bases and not
respect the reserve level. But this behavior may steal the Ion Cannons
the Ord they need so that they can not fire.
BTW the inital ord load on new build ships is idotic, this all or
nothing behaviour. One ship get all ord and the others nothing. Better
IMO is to split it, say each ship can get up to (Ord on the
Base)/(1+#new build ships) and then same Ord is left on the Base for
defence. Or use a % formula depending on the Ord hold of the ships, but
don't forget that the Base may need some ord too.
Other problem maybe, in older times the Cannons fire on ships which are
immune by ET and now they will use up their ord by such an idiotic doing.
> The bug that causes robot fighters to vanish has been fixed.
Can nothing say t o it, if you think the Robo need an upgrade then you
give it to them. But how does it work or how is the output ?
> Ships with a hull mass over 690 have improved PD systems, ships with a
> hull mass over 1200 have an improved PD system and ships with a hull
> mass over 1800 have an even better PD system
IMHO wrong way.
Some races get no or only a very small benefit from it and it counters
their "advanteges" sometimes (Lizie, no ship with enough mass, FED only
1 ship over the boarder, Coalition = RCS 0 ships, Pirat 0 ships ...).
Say the Coalition had in old time the advantage that they have the
Target Enhancer on some of their ships which makes the PDS better, this
is now lower compared to other races cause they do not benefit from the
new rule. They don't have any ship with over 750 KT hull mass.
Other races which used swarms of cheap ships to defence against fighter
can not profit from it to, so they may get problems.
Other races with many ships over this limit, say the Peeps, EE, Robo
(one more help for them) .. are now powerfuller against fighter.
This give an new balance in the game and I'm not sure if they are wanted
or good.
> Comments welcome.
You wanted comments and I do some.
Do you ever think about going back a step instead to make a new rule /
change to counter the last change you made ?
IMHO the old rules befor the changes on the combat behaviour started
where good enough (think befor host 17x).
If I used ENOUGH Ion Cannons (over 500) they made a good work for me
except the enemy buy the immunity. So I have never understand the
complains about that the Cannons are useless, what had the complainer
expect with say 20 Cannons worth 6000 MCs and some sups against a
Dreadnought maybe worth over 80000 MC.
For me we should go back to the old rules and can from this point on
implement some but NOT ALL from the new rules which came in the meantime.
Bye-Bye JoSch.