how amd 64?


Jul 23, 2004
hi ...

guys how the amd 64 fx 53 run in 2.4 ghz beat the 3.4 in most test ??
is this mean that we dont need the more GHZs ?

what the factors that the amd64 strong than a big GHZs ?

Theres something called IPC, Instruction Per Clock if you can do 2X the instruction per clock your chip could theoricaly run at half the Speed. A64 seams to have something like 1.5X higher IPC than the P4...Many factors will change the IPC.

What really helps the A64 shine is its on-die memory controller wich make memory access much more efficient.

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-4-4-8, Leadtek FX5900 w/ FX5950U bios@500/1000, 2X30gig Raid0
MHz is not everything buddy 😉, I don't know the real workings of the CPU YET (thats why I'm going to college) but the computer is not that simple...

-Mac User-
basically hes saying that A64 chips do more work for every MHZ

so thats how a 2.4ghz A64 can do more math calcuations than a 3.4ghz P4

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<A HREF="" target="_new">This is you, interweb junky</A>
There is a long and short of all things. The Short of it is that it has the 'fx' in it. Nothing with an 'fx' could be bad.

The long of it is basically this....if you were shipping information in trucks Ghz would be how many trucks you are using to ship it. But as you can imagine thats not the only factor. AMD makes chips that transport more per 'truck'.

like mentioned above, there are many factors.....keeping with truck analogy, there is fuel efficancy, load capacity, speed of the truck, and the route the truck takes to get to its final destination.

So to say that Ghz is the be all and end all of all processors would be like saying having a larger fleet of trucks means your shipping company is best. Its ALWAYS helpful to have more Ghz....BUT it is very improtant to do the most work per Ghz and with more work done per Ghz they are more efficient and cause less heat.

Intel has section of the market of people who think Ghz is the shizzle (if you dont know that word you're, old people are funny smelling). But Ghz is a large part of the picture but not the ONLY thing.

just my 4.2cents (converted for those of you in Canada)
lol I like the smelly part.

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-4-4-8, Leadtek FX5900 w/ FX5950U bios@500/1000, 2X30gig Raid0
I always try to be informative, inquizative, nonsensical, and above all humorous. If someone wanted a true, informative, by-the-book answer they would google it and sort through the tens of thousands of articles. They just want something short, sweet, informative, with maybe a weird anaolgy and quite possibly a joke.

Unfortunatly for everything i learn, there are 5 questions i come up with.

Ignorance is bliss, genius is next to godliness, and unfortunatly i am only smart enough to break things but NEVER to fix them.
OBVIOUSLY that was a joke, it was more of a poke at companies who insist on putting 'fx' on everything. Rarely does something with an 'fx' mean anything all that good.
Maybe you need to borrow my <sarcasm hat>?

Or maybe you need <A HREF="" target="_new">The Register's</A> <A HREF="" target="_new">Joke Alert</A>?

<pre><b><font color=red>"Build a man a fire and he's warm for the rest of the evening.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." - Steve Taylor</font color=red></b></pre><p>
I apparently need to learn how to be sarcastic.
I figured making a rediculous statment in that mannor would get the idea across....but apparently not. I am sorry to those i confused and mislead.

Can anyone direct me to where i can get lessons in sarcasm?
I figured making a rediculous statment in that mannor would get the idea across....but apparently not.
🙁 It never is. There's always someone willing to take you literally. The only way to avoid that is to go above and beyond the call of cruelty. (AKA use props such as a <sarcasm hat><i> to tag </i></sarcasm hat> your sarcastic comments.)

<pre><b><font color=red>"Build a man a fire and he's warm for the rest of the evening.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." - Steve Taylor</font color=red></b></pre><p>
It doesn't beat it. YOu see more mhz means it's faster. and well 1 ghz is a whole lot.
(btw, it's sarcasism :wink: )

AMD64 2800+
MSI Neo-Fis2r
512mb Kingmax ddr400
Sapphire 9800pro 128mb
10K WD Raptor
What?! Did Kanavit brainwash you? Did he do it like what they did in The Manchurian Candidate? Do you have an implant in your back? Do you DO YOU?! Check it now!! Or i'll bite it out of you!! Do you have a hole in your head!! You stupid time travelling giant rabbit...

Don't listen to anything Kanavit says, because he's a limped dick Intel loving pussy.

<A HREF="" target="_new">DON'T CLICK HERE!!</A>
Did you actually enjoy that movie Donnie Darko?

Don't listen to anything Kanavit says, because he's a limped dick Intel loving pussy.

<A HREF="" target="_new">DON'T CLICK HERE!!</A>
You stupid time travelling giant rabbit...

Yeah I thought the movie was pretty good. I just needed a name and I watched that movie the day i made the account.

AMD64 2800+
MSI Neo-Fis2r
512mb Kingmax ddr400
Sapphire 9800pro 128mb
10K WD Raptor