I am upgrading my computer to 4690k and gtx 970 and don't have much money to spend on an SSD. Is 30gb enough? I don't care about putting games on it, I just want to put windows 8.1 and windows 10 when it comes out. Thanks
I wouldn't waste my money on a 30GB SSD. You could get a 120 GB for 60 bucks or so, or a 250gb for 90 if you find a good deal. Don't waste your time with anything less. If you can't afford 60-90 bucks, just wait until you can.
Microsoft says 20GB for Windows 8.1 64bit, so 30GB will be enough; however that doesn't leave you much room for pagefile and applications. Microsoft also says system requirements for windows 10 will be similar. A 32GB SSD is going to run you $30-$40; why not just spend $3 more and get a 64GB SSD that way you have a bit more space: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009SX8WEQ/?tag=pcpapi-20.