madmatt30 :
mdocod :
madmatt30 :
your wildly overestimating the power draw mate,at 4.6ghz full load on all cores ( & that takes a big voltage increase to 1.475/1.5v) the max itll pull is around 140w.
I'm not estimating, I've actually measured the peak power dissipation of 2 separate FX-6300's on 3 separate AM3+ motherboards at all sorts of clock speeds and voltages (from ~1.0V ~3ghz all the way to 1.55V@5ghz+). That includes testing on the GA-78LMT-USB3.
You're the one who is wildly under-ESTIMATING.
You would have to be pushing silly voltages to pull over 200w on a 6300 mate is all im saying,Ive always said stick to stock voltage or a tiny bit higher & any 125w compatible board will have no trouble at all with a 6300 at max clock speed stable at that voltage.
Peak power dissipation at various voltages... FX-6300
1.25V@4.5ghz= ~140W at the CPU, ~160W at the VRMs (from the PSU), ~180W from the wall.
1.30V@4.5ghz= ~150W at the CPU, ~170W at the VRMs (from the PSU), ~190W from the wall.
1.35V@4.5ghz= ~160W at the CPU, ~180W at the VRMs (from the PSU), ~200W from the wall.
1.40V@4.5ghz= ~170W at the CPU, ~195W at the VRMs (from the PSU), ~220W from the wall.
1.45V@4.5ghz= ~185W at the CPU, ~210W at the VRMs (from the PSU), ~240W from the wall.
1.50V@4.5ghz= ~200W at the CPU, ~225W at the VRMs (from the PSU), ~255W from the wall.
1.55V@4.5ghz= ~210W at the CPU, ~240W at the VRMs (from the PSU), ~275W from the wall.
You can decide for yourself how much voltage is "silly," but please stop shooting from the hip about the power dissipation.
Achieving 4.6ghz stable with ONLY ~140W peak power dissipation would require an FX-6300 that can run a full 1.1 ghz over factory clocks with basically NO voltage increase from VID. (stock VID on these is typically ~1.212-1.325V). That's a pretty special gem you're talking about there and really isn't something anyone should count on getting. (probably less than 1/1000).
For most people familiar with overclocking piledriver, the subjectively "silly" zone doesn't really start till ~1.5V+. Most FX-6300's are going to need in the neighborhood of 1.40V to be stable at 4.5ghz.
Please consider the chart above and the following:
Peak power dissipation of a factory OC edition R9 280X is ~285W
The chipset, southbridge, ethernet, sound, RAM, drives, fans, all dissipate power at a relatively steady state, which in a simple build like this will add up to ~45W.
By my math, if you intend to overclock to 4.5ghz, and assuming your chip needs 1.45V to do this, (not unusual at all), then the peak power dissipation of the machine you are building is in the neighborhood of 540W, with the vast majority of that power dissipation coming from the 12V rail.
The 12V rail on the ETL550AWT PSU you are intending to use to power this machine, is only rated for up to 504W, and the build quality of the unit is mediocre (filled with chinese capacitors, for example). The component sizing and quality (thermal and power headroom) is not adequate to be used to power this system given your current plans, ESPECIALLY in a case with a top mount PSU, where the charge air for the PSU cooling is already going to be elevated well above ambient, and in the case you have selected, will probably wind up elevated to higher than the PSU is even rated for (40C).
The case you intend to build this system inside of also does not appear to be well suited to dealing with the thermal load here. Look for something with a bottom mount PSU and at least a 4x120mm or 2x140mm fan configuration.