Question How can I download/restore deleted/corrupted Windows system files?

Jun 26, 2024
Backstory: Hi, I have been having an issue for a long time with my C:/ drive filling up to the point of having 3GB spare of 111GB.

I know not to delete random files, especially from the windows siles as they are essential. However I don't know how to tell the difference between old windows files that are taking up space for no reason and Windows files I need to keep.

Fast forward and I have a program called PC Cleaner which I was using to optimise hard drives. I then found the 'clear duplicate items' button and I thought.. Oh that's going to be really helpful. I can definitely delete duplicates of stuff I don't need on my C drive.

My computer carried on running completely fine except that some but not all Exe files stopped running. I looked into this and realised my mistake was that some windows files need duplicates I order to work properly.

I had already deleted all my duplicates thinking I wouldn't need them and I do t have a backup restore point.

I have tried running /sfc scannow which returned with some files are corrupted and Windows was unable to fix them.

I then went down a rabbit hole of trying to run /chkdsk /f /r (without knowing it would take about 5 hours for it to scan a 1TB SSD), managed to stop it but only because I had a completely black screen so the drive wasn't being scanned. I thought I'd try a /chkdsk overnight instead which I haven't done yet.

I also tried to put the Computer in safe mode but ended up in several hours of the screen not working but windows was loaded and having to learn to use the text to speech navigator to search through settings and uncheck boxes.

When I finally managed to load normal windows on a screen that worked I am back to square 1 of needing to replace missing windows files.

My question is: can I download missing windows 10 system files that the sfc scannow cannot fix?
I beleive I'm missing .sys .dll, and .ocx files.

I have the Sfc scannow CBS log if needed which would allegedly tell me which files are missing/damaged but I don't know who to interrpret this information.
Jun 26, 2024
Thank you so much I'm gonna have a look now!
The people here are an absolute god send, you're like PC angels, I tried posting this exact question on the microsfot website and it just kept telling em there was an error...

EDIT: Website says PC Manager is "Coming Soon".
EDIT2: PC Manager is unavailable from the app store and I can't download a working copy from anywhere :(
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Jun 26, 2024
I tried downloading it directly but it then prior to installing says "we'l just take you to the app page to complete the download" and then nothing happens, and PC Manager is not listed on there. :(
Try this:

Download and Install "Microsoft PC Manager" app using winget Command​

1 Open Windows Terminal, and select either Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt.

2 Copy and paste the command below into Windows Terminal, and press Enter. (see screenshot below step 3)

winget install 9pm860492szd

3 When prompted Do you agree to the terms? for the app in the terminal, type Y, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)


4 If prompted by UAC, click/tap on Yes to approve.

5 After a moment when the app has finished installing, you will see a notification to open the app if wanted. (see screenshot below)

Sorry for the formatting.

Jun 26, 2024
I also tried running the DISM and it went all the way to 100% but at the end it said:
"The source files could not be found. Use the "source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature."

Does this mean I need another hard drive with Windows on it to use as the "source" ?
I don't remember how I got Windows 10 but I definitely don't have a CD to boot it from.
Jun 26, 2024
I have a portable HD with a load of files: EFI/Microsoft/Boot.
The contents looks at a glance like a collection of files that could boot windows from external source, but if I tried to run the DISM using these files as a source, and they weren't, would that mess my computer up further?


Feb 11, 2024
For future reference - Windows has its own Disk Cleanup application, which is much safer than third party options.

Another possible solution is to download a fresh Windows 10 image from Microsoft and install an “upgrade” on top of your existing installation. Then run Windows Disk Cleanup, select Clean System Files option, and Remove Old Windows Installation.
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Jun 27, 2024
you could use Driver Verifier :)
Why would you even run Driver Verifier for corrupt or missing files?!

Does this mean I need another hard drive with Windows on it to use as the "source" ?
It just means another .wim (Windows Image) and it will only work if that image has the missing files. The easiest method is to read the CBS log(s), find out which files are missing or corrupt (and which build they belong to) and then download the appropriate .ISO from somewhere like UUPDump. You can either then use DISM [...] /source or copy the files across yourself, although, you will more than likely run into permissions issues if you did this manually.

If that process sounds too laborious, then just back up your data and either try a repair install via an in-place upgrade or do a clean install.
I have a program called PC Cleaner which I was using to optimise hard drives. I then found the 'clear duplicate items' button and I thought.. Oh that's going to be really helpful. I can definitely delete duplicates of stuff I don't need on my C drive.

My computer carried on running completely fine except that some but not all Exe files stopped running. I looked into this and realised my mistake was that some windows files need duplicates I order to work properly.
That's a major screw-up.

Upgrade install might work. But ultimately you're looking at full reinstall.
And upgrade your OS drive to a higher capacity drive before doing that.
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Jun 27, 2024
I know not to delete random files, especially from the windows siles as they are essential. However I don't know how to tell the difference between old windows files that are taking up space for no reason and Windows files I need to keep.
You don't need to delete any Windows files at all or ever! Every 30 days or so, a scavenger service will run and delete any unused files for you, by running DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup.

Fast forward and I have a program called PC Cleaner which I was using to optimise hard drives. I then found the 'clear duplicate items' button and I thought.. Oh that's going to be really helpful.
Please do not run any "optimisation" software, they're all crapware and most have not been written to take into account hardlinks, which is why your files are missing.
Jun 26, 2024
So I've managed to follow the instructions where I install a clean Windows image onto a USB and then reapir my version with the USB version. My computer is updated, and all the .exe files work now! Thank you so much to the community here you have been actual life savers.
My only small problem now is how to make more space on my C drive without deleting essential files.
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My only small problem now is how to make more space on my C drive without deleting essential files.
Install and run either WinDirStat, or WizTree.

Run as Administrator, selecting only the drive in question.
Post a screencap here.

Ultimately, though, a 111GB drive is pretty small for the OS drive, unless you are rabid about the consumed space.
Most people don't want to expend that much effort, and larger drives are pretty inexpensive these days.
So I've managed to follow the instructions where I install a clean Windows image onto a USB and then reapir my version with the USB version. My computer is updated, and all the .exe files work now! Thank you so much to the community here you have been actual life savers.
My only small problem now is how to make more space on my C drive without deleting essential files.
Excellent! Result :) Good luck and happy gaming!
Jun 26, 2024
Ok so my computer drives have wierd letters, apart from C, because I got kinda excited when I set my computer up to learn I didn't have to follow the conventional alphabet and everything works.
My S and P drives are not in use but I physically can't remove the hard drive from inside the tower without dismantling everything and putting it all back so it's just left plugged in. That hard drive is old and nothing works if I were to run a program installed on it.
My C drive is one of the tiny SSD's that attaches straight onto the motherboard. The other hard drive (V/X/O) is a normal HD.
Jun 26, 2024
Install and run either WinDirStat, or WizTree.

Run as Administrator, selecting only the drive in question.
Post a screencap here.

Ultimately, though, a 111GB drive is pretty small for the OS drive, unless you are rabid about the consumed space.
Most people don't want to expend that much effort, and larger drives are pretty inexpensive these days.
So I would love to get a larger SSD, but I'm not 100% sure how I'd transfer everything from the old SSD to the new SSD. I know how to transfer information from one disk onto another when you can do it via USB connections, or by plugging both into the motherboard but as far as I can tell my motherboard only has one SSD slot so I'm not sure how to transfer everything without doing a full reinstall.

This does bring me to the next thing on the horizen which is that I want to update my processor... but doing that means I also need to update my Motherboard. my budget is about £500 and at the moment I'm looking at the intel i5 13600k. I just need to fid a good motherboard replacement that I can hopefully get several years out of before I need to update tit again.