How can I hook up DVI projector to a Dell Vostro 470?


Aug 12, 2012
I have a Dell Vosto 470 with an AMD Radeon HD 7570 1GB GDDR5. My monitor is hooked into the gaphics card with an adaper and works OK. Computer does not recognize VGA projector plugged into VGA output on back of tower...not on Radeon graphicscard. How do I get computer to recognize both card and VGA port?
In most cases, installing a discrete graphics card disables any on-board graphics you may have. There may be an option in BIOS to keep the on-board graphics enabled, but I think the easiest way would be to connect the projector directly to the graphics card using an adapter if necessary. What available ports do you have on your graphics card and what inputs does your projector have?

-Wolf sends