Question How can I monitor my servers and networks without old-school software like nagios or zabbix?

Feb 25, 2019
New to the forum and hoping for some insight: I need to monitor 23 servers and 16 switches/routers. The last time I installed Nagios on a virtual machine on my network. But Nagios seems like overkill. It consumes time, looks odd and I don't need most of the features. I looked at Zabbix. It seems a bit leaner but it's still a huge product and by no means intuitive.

I'm willing to pay a little for a cloud tool. I just want to know if a VM or a device is down and I need some basic alerting for high load, full disk, etc. I'm searching for a simple solution that can be implemented quickly.

Google brings some candidates - some of them are also oversized for my needs, like New Relic. But others sound promising.

Is anyone using a cloud or SaaS-based monitoring solution? What are your experiences and what can you recommend?


Look into Powershell.

Some reference links:


Googling "Powershell network monitoring" or similar words and phrases will find many links.

Start simple and expand as you learn and evolve the requirements. Not likely to find/develop one "killer" script but there is a lot to be said for a few simple tools versus some cumbersome monster do it all script.

Powershell is an admin tool that will prove very useful overall for many things.

No harm in learning about it. Free and you have full control versus some third party tool.