Question How can secondary HD stall boot?


Jan 2, 2012
In my previous PC I had dual boot, C: Win7 and D: XP. Both 500Gig.
One day the XP drive refused to boot; sector not found, or whatever ... you know what I mean.

In this "plain vanilla office PC" build, that C: is by itself, running Win7.

I connected the secondary drive as D: and ... Win7 refused to complete boot.
I set it to be boot disk and, appropriately, I got "sector not found" or whatever.
Removed it ... PC booted Win7 just fine.

Disconnected the CD and put the secondary there; set Boot Setup ... Win 7 refused to complete boot.

Round and round ...

Is it just that the old XP drive is borked? it somehow got frabbed?

30yrs on PC and have never seen such a thing.

TIA for any suggestions.

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