How do I add a second hard drive to Dimension PC??



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I want to add a second hard drive to this PC, but there appears to be only
one spot (taken up by the original hard drive). It's mounted in a bracket
vertically, near the very front of the case. There doesn't appear to be any
other spots to put it aside from finding another bracket like it, and
fitting it in there too somehow. I think it's a dimension 3000

What can I do?

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Try this;

"emocean" <> wrote in message
>I want to add a second hard drive to this PC, but there appears to be
> one spot (taken up by the original hard drive). It's mounted in a
> bracket
> vertically, near the very front of the case. There doesn't appear to
> be any
> other spots to put it aside from finding another bracket like it, and
> fitting it in there too somehow. I think it's a dimension 3000
> What can I do?
> ::
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> What can I do?

Zip ties / meccano :-}

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"jd" <> wrote:
> but wouldn't an external suffice, as i suggested. or is this not a
> desireable set up?

External USB 2.0 and FireWire drives are slow when compared
to ATA drives, and they run hot due to having only convection
cooling. I also discovered that an ATA drive would fit in my Zip
drive space, but I'd have to install some sort of fan because of
the close fit.

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"jd" <> wrote:

>get an external hard drive. hook it up with a usb cable.

jd, you're stuttering. Or your news client is. Or your NSP is.
At any rate, this is the third time you said this. Separate
time-stamps on each.
[Email to Yahoo address may be burned before reading.
Lower and crunch the sig and you'll net me at comcast.]
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"jd" <> wrote in message
> get an external hard drive. hook it up with a usb cable.

Or they could get a second (dell) drive cage and any standard IDE1 cable
with two connects, or they could mount it in an open optical bay if they
have one:

I'm looking at this option on a Dim4700 SATA machine where I need to bring
over an old IDE second drive....

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i was the one with the multiple postings up top. since taken care of,
of course. i remember also receiving an error message of some sort upon
initially trying to post. can't remember exactly what it said, but it
had something to do with the server being unable to blah blah blah, or
what have you. not much info, i know. but i thought i would chime in
since there seems to be discussion on the topic of duplicate postings.
and it was just a one line post, so i figure no harm no foul. anyway,
if it ever happens again i'll be sure to let it lie until i'm certain
about it one way or another. wouldn't want you all to miss out on my
always facsinating and oft times misguided and poorly informed
gibberish!! : )
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On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:21:56 GMT, in
(Phred) wrote:

>In article <kFKJd.97208$>, "Tom Scales" <> wrote:
>>News to me. I've never seen any information about OE multiple posting and it
>>sure never has for me.
>Here in Oz it was seen very commonly a year or three ago with folk
>using OE on the Bigpond news server. ISTR it had to do with not
>getting confirmation of the posting back to the user, so they just
>kept hitting "send".
>In one of the more extreme cases I noticed there were 10 or 12
>identical messages posted within a few minutes.

This happens when the settings in OE (or whatever) cause it to
time out before the server acknowledges receipt of the sent
message. The message is received by the server and sent on its
way, but from the user's perspective it was never accepted. So
he keeps hitting send until the server acknowledges and his
software then tells him the message is sent. The problem can be
too-short timeout settings in OE, but is much more likely to be
cause by a very sluggish server... and a user who ought to calm
down and learn a bit more about how this Internet thing really
works. ;-)
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On 26 Jan 2005 20:44:01 -0800, in
<>, "jd"
<> wrote:

>i was the one with the multiple postings up top. since taken care of,
>of course. i remember also receiving an error message of some sort upon
>initially trying to post. can't remember exactly what it said, but it
>had something to do with the server being unable to blah blah blah, or
>what have you. not much info, i know. but i thought i would chime in
>since there seems to be discussion on the topic of duplicate postings.
>and it was just a one line post, so i figure no harm no foul. anyway,
>if it ever happens again i'll be sure to let it lie until i'm certain
>about it one way or another. wouldn't want you all to miss out on my
>always facsinating and oft times misguided and poorly informed
>gibberish!! : )

I'm sorry - I should have added that the original boo boo was no
big deal in the larger scheme of things. I didn't mean to make
it sound as negative as it did when I reread my own words.
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Jim Higgins <> wrote:

>"jd" <> wrote:

>>i was the one with the multiple postings up top. since taken care of,
>>of course. i remember also receiving an error message of some sort upon
>>initially trying to post. can't remember exactly what it said, but it
>>had something to do with the server being unable to blah blah blah, or
>>what have you. not much info, i know. but i thought i would chime in
>>since there seems to be discussion on the topic of duplicate postings.
>>and it was just a one line post, so i figure no harm no foul. anyway,
>>if it ever happens again i'll be sure to let it lie until i'm certain
>>about it one way or another. wouldn't want you all to miss out on my
>>always facsinating and oft times misguided and poorly informed
>>gibberish!! : )

>I'm sorry - I should have added that the original boo boo was no
>big deal in the larger scheme of things. I didn't mean to make
>it sound as negative as it did when I reread my own words.

Nor did I, jd. My only intention was to let you know, in case
you only saw one. A prior ISP/NSP did that to me a couple of
times [one of the reasons they're a "prior"], multiple posted
something I'd posted only once, then canceled the duplicates,
leaving only one. Naturally, no other news admin observed their
cancels, but they did. Next time I got posts, I only saw one,
and was bewildered when someone let me know of the multiples.
Since that experience, I generally try to say something when I
see duplicates/multiples, in case the OP isn't seeing them.
[Email to Yahoo address may be burned before reading.
Lower and crunch the sig and you'll net me at comcast.]
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Jim Higgins wrote:
> On 26 Jan 2005 20:44:01 -0800, in
> <>, "jd"
> I'm sorry - I should have added that the original boo boo was no
> big deal in the larger scheme of things. I didn't mean to make
> it sound as negative as it did when I reread my own words.

not at all. i'm never offended. love these boards. nice to know thier
are some gentlemen on them.
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>>>If you want a Dell, you pay the extra and get a "real" PC...

Yes, real PC's have no without room for a second HD AND no floppy drive!!
Feeling a bit bitter at the moment :)

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Chris Curtis wrote:
>>>>If you want a Dell, you pay the extra and get a "real" PC...
> Yes, real PC's have no without room for a second HD AND no floppy drive!!
> Feeling a bit bitter at the moment :)
> Chris

I've got a Dimension 8300 and I had no problem putting in a 2nd HDD....
There's 2x250GB SATA hard disks buzzing away nicely in there.

I didn't want a floppy drive. I had a floppy drive and a zip drive in my
last self-built PC and I used them at most 1/2 a dozen times in the
couple of years I had it. A total waste of money. Dell were the only
vendor that gave me the opportunity to *save money* by leaving them out
instead. I spent the money I saved on a 256MB USB stick instead (makes a
1.44MB floppy sound a bit weak, doesn't it?), which I keep on my key
ring and use frequently. If you wanted a floppy drive why didn't you
tick the box when you ordered?


Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Gary, I have an 8400 with 2 SATA hard drives. I have to load drivers from a
floppy (Press F6 ...) when I run Ghost 9 and earlier versions of BartPE and
ERD Commander as bootable CD's. I couldn't run these apps without a floppy
drive.You may not have this software but has the absence of a floppy drive
caused any problems?


> I've got a Dimension 8300 and I had no problem putting in a 2nd HDD....
> There's 2x250GB SATA hard disks buzzing away nicely in there.
> I didn't want a floppy drive. I had a floppy drive and a zip drive in my
> last self-built PC and I used them at most 1/2 a dozen times in the couple
> of years I had it. A total waste of money. Dell were the only vendor that
> gave me the opportunity to *save money* by leaving them out instead. I
> spent the money I saved on a 256MB USB stick instead (makes a 1.44MB
> floppy sound a bit weak, doesn't it?), which I keep on my key ring and use
> frequently. If you wanted a floppy drive why didn't you tick the box when
> you ordered?
> Gary
> --
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> you
> with experience...
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I spent the money I saved on a 256MB USB stick instead (makes a
> 1.44MB floppy sound a bit weak, doesn't it?), which I keep on my key ring
> and use frequently. If you wanted a floppy drive why didn't you tick the
> box when you ordered?
> Gary
FFS how much do you think a floppy drive costs Dell!!
And why do people always think they are used for storage/transferring?
What's the first thing W2000 asks for if you are (for instance installing a
scsi raid setup)?
What does Norton Ghost tell you to do if you can't save an image because
there are no spare primary partitions.
What does PartitionMagic strongly advise you to do after installation?
Emergency Repair Disks?

Now was one of the six times you used a floppy for any thing similar?
I didn't buy through Dell so I submit to your last point!


PS I now realise I've repeated Brian's post below!
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Chris Curtis wrote:
> I spent the money I saved on a 256MB USB stick instead (makes a
>>1.44MB floppy sound a bit weak, doesn't it?), which I keep on my key ring
>>and use frequently. If you wanted a floppy drive why didn't you tick the
>>box when you ordered?
> FFS how much do you think a floppy drive costs Dell!!
> And why do people always think they are used for storage/transferring?
> What's the first thing W2000 asks for if you are (for instance installing a
> scsi raid setup)?
> What does Norton Ghost tell you to do if you can't save an image because
> there are no spare primary partitions.
> What does PartitionMagic strongly advise you to do after installation?
> Emergency Repair Disks?
> Now was one of the six times you used a floppy for any thing similar?
> I didn't buy through Dell so I submit to your last point!
> Chris
> PS I now realise I've repeated Brian's post below!

I know how much they cost. They're about $10 to the trade. Dell pay less
of course. You can have an FDD if you want it.... it's an extra $26! Ask
nicely when you order over the phone and they'll throw it in for free.

Others such as HP don't give it to you for free you know. I'd rather
have the option of specifying a system without it if I want, rather than
have it included anyway and having the cost buried in the system price.

Dell's XP install CD already includes the correct SATA & RAID drivers
for my system, so I don't need a FDD for storage device drivers during
OS installs.

ERDs are a thing of the past for me. I use RestoreIT (see, which takes an
incremental backup of my OS disk every day, so any catastrophic failure
that used to involve ERDs and OS repairs get fixed in a few minutes anyway.

Because of the above, *I* don't need a floppy. Dell gave me the
oppertunity to omit it, so I did. Your situation is different, and Dell
offer FDDs as an option to suit you too.


Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Gary, I wonder whether Dell set up the SATA controller differently if there
is no floppy drive. I don't know. Is your controller AHCI?


> I know how much they cost. They're about $10 to the trade. Dell pay less
> of course. You can have an FDD if you want it.... it's an extra $26! Ask
> nicely when you order over the phone and they'll throw it in for free.
> Others such as HP don't give it to you for free you know. I'd rather have
> the option of specifying a system without it if I want, rather than have
> it included anyway and having the cost buried in the system price.
> Dell's XP install CD already includes the correct SATA & RAID drivers for
> my system, so I don't need a FDD for storage device drivers during OS
> installs.
> ERDs are a thing of the past for me. I use RestoreIT (see
>, which takes an
> incremental backup of my OS disk every day, so any catastrophic failure
> that used to involve ERDs and OS repairs get fixed in a few minutes
> anyway.
> Because of the above, *I* don't need a floppy. Dell gave me the
> oppertunity to omit it, so I did. Your situation is different, and Dell
> offer FDDs as an option to suit you too.
> Gary
> --
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> you
> with experience...
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Brian K wrote:
>>I know how much they cost. They're about $10 to the trade. Dell pay less
>>of course. You can have an FDD if you want it.... it's an extra $26! Ask
>>nicely when you order over the phone and they'll throw it in for free.
>>Others such as HP don't give it to you for free you know. I'd rather have
>>the option of specifying a system without it if I want, rather than have
>>it included anyway and having the cost buried in the system price.
>>Dell's XP install CD already includes the correct SATA & RAID drivers for
>>my system, so I don't need a FDD for storage device drivers during OS
>>ERDs are a thing of the past for me. I use RestoreIT (see
>>, which takes an
>>incremental backup of my OS disk every day, so any catastrophic failure
>>that used to involve ERDs and OS repairs get fixed in a few minutes
>>Because of the above, *I* don't need a floppy. Dell gave me the
>>oppertunity to omit it, so I did. Your situation is different, and Dell
>>offer FDDs as an option to suit you too.
>>Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
>>with experience...

> Gary, I wonder whether Dell set up the SATA controller differently if
> is no floppy drive. I don't know. Is your controller AHCI?
> Brian

Dunno... It's immaterial anyway right now. 2K & XP load additional
drivers from *two* locations, 1. the FDD and 2. the "DRIVERS" folder on
the XP CD. This allows Dell to drop essential drivers onto their CDs so
the user doesn't need a FDD.

Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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I was just interested to hear if Dell use a different controller for
non-floppy systems. It may be the same.

Could you check Device Manager, click the + on IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers. Is
there an entry with AHCI in the line?

Thanks Gary,


> Dunno... It's immaterial anyway right now. 2K & XP load additional drivers
> from *two* locations, 1. the FDD and 2. the "DRIVERS" folder on the XP CD.
> This allows Dell to drop essential drivers onto their CDs so the user
> doesn't need a FDD.
> Gary
> --
> Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats
> you
> with experience...
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"Brian K" <iibntgyea4> wrote in message
> I was just interested to hear if Dell use a different controller for
> non-floppy systems. It may be the same.
> Could you check Device Manager, click the + on IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers.
> Is there an entry with AHCI in the line?
> Thanks Gary,
> Brian

Same boards on systems with or without floppy drives. Floppy controller
remains in either case.

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This is not the floppy controller.

> Same boards on systems with or without floppy drives. Floppy controller
> remains in either case.
> Stew
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"Brian K" <iibntgyea4> wrote in message
> This is not the floppy controller.

I'm sorry, Brian, as I came in very late. Promise controller is the same on
all 8400 boards.
