P pcunnerd Reputable Jan 14, 2016 5 0 4,510 Jan 14, 2016 #1 How do I connect a 30“ Apple Cinema HD Display, Modell A1083 with my acer laptop? I only have 4 x sub, 1 x hdmi and 15pin vga outputs on my laptop.
How do I connect a 30“ Apple Cinema HD Display, Modell A1083 with my acer laptop? I only have 4 x sub, 1 x hdmi and 15pin vga outputs on my laptop.
ak47jar3d Champion Mar 3, 2014 7,113 62 54,590 Jan 16, 2016 #2 You need a cable that converters hdmi to dual link dvi. Upvote 0 Downvote
P pcunnerd Reputable Jan 14, 2016 5 0 4,510 Jan 16, 2016 #3 ak47jar3d : You need a cable that converters hdmi to dual link dvi. Upvote 0 Downvote
P pcunnerd Reputable Jan 14, 2016 5 0 4,510 Jan 16, 2016 #4 Thank You, I have an adapter from HDMI to DVI. Currently I am struggling with the resolution. My Intel graphic card is supposed to do 2560 x 1440 pixels @ 50 Hz, but it says that I am over the max bandwidth. Anybody any ideas what to do? Upvote 0 Downvote
Thank You, I have an adapter from HDMI to DVI. Currently I am struggling with the resolution. My Intel graphic card is supposed to do 2560 x 1440 pixels @ 50 Hz, but it says that I am over the max bandwidth. Anybody any ideas what to do?
P pcunnerd Reputable Jan 14, 2016 5 0 4,510 Jan 16, 2016 #6 ak47jar3d : What's your laptop? Upvote 0 Downvote