how do i overclock the gainward 7800gs 512 agp?

I tried to use Riva Tuner 2.0 RC15.8 to overclock my AGP 7800GS. I check the driver settings and it says nview.dll, nvshell.dll, nvwdmcpl.dll not found. I can't find the clock frequency tab.

This is kind of weird because when i use it for my old 9600pro, it has that extra tab and fuction for overclocking. I've attached some screen shots thumbnails below. Pls help..

I've already removed the old driver and installed the latest forceware but the problem remains..

Pls Help! Thanks..
Does ATi Tool work with nVidia cards? I would suggest Coolbits, its just changes a number in your registry to enable software overclocking alredy built in with your nVidia drivers.
Originally Posted by rui0317
You can try this setps:

Open RivaTuner.cfg ( You can find this file in RT's folder) with notepad.exe.

In [GPU_10DE] section, you will see " NV47 = 90h-9Fh" , add " , F5h" at the end of this line . Then it will look like :" NV47 = 90h-9Fh ,F5h".