How do you deal with Carpel Tunnel?

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Feb 29, 2020
I had it pretty bad after a solid 10 years, then I used only laptops and kind of forgot about it. Now that I'm back on a desktop it took no time for it to flair back and now it makes using a mouse kinda lame. Thinking about those gyro ball things or a brace because stretching is not doing the trick.
I think I had a flare sometime around 15 years ago, but no formal diagnosis. Here's what I did, and it's never returned since:

  1. Switched to using a trackball, at home. But, I still use a mouse at work. This varies the motion, somewhat.
  2. Removed the arms from my chair, so that it would force me to stop putting pressure on my forearms.
  3. Installed a keyboard tray, so that my keyboard sits at the correct height. Also, it has nothing in front of the keyboard, so there's no way for me to put pressure on my wrists.

Even since before that, I used a split keyboard, with the halves spaced and angled more naturally.

Good luck.
Using a trackball worked for me,PLUS, I wore a brace 24/7 for a couple weeks and that did wonders. Best of luck
I switched to vertical mice ten years ago.
I prefer the "half-vertical" ones that don't require you to hold the wrist entirely straight: those still feel like mice despite the different angle, and I don't experience any lack of precision with those.
I also removed the mouse-wheel.
I had it pretty bad after a solid 10 years, then I used only laptops and kind of forgot about it. Now that I'm back on a desktop it took no time for it to flair back and now it makes using a mouse kinda lame. Thinking about those gyro ball things or a brace because stretching is not doing the trick.

Using a mouse and keyboard wrest helps with comfort, and also make sure your chair, desk, keyboard and mouse are aligned comfortably for you and with distance and height. Maybe try a shorter keyboard that will allow you to move your mouse closer so your hands are not so spread apart and that will chance the angle of the pressure on your hand/wrist. TKL maybe without a number pad.
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