How do you run the Q3A benchmark?


Dec 7, 2001
As we all know many review sites, including THG, use Q3A as a benchmark (for OpenGL performance). I remember reading somewhere what you type to do this, but now I can't find it. Can anyone tell me what the procedure is?

thanks all

A newbie is only a newbie for as long as you allow him to be.
-Anonymous Veteran
/timedemo 1
/demo demo001

there are other switchs to turn off snd init and cd, but what does those really do?

Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics.
I believe you need to also download the demo, correct? I don't think it comes with Q3.

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>
Don't step in the sarcasm!