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"KlingonKommand" <Paul@nurk.fnord> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news
> writes
> >Just another question, If you had a lot of contra on one world say 20K
> >would it effect the crime on that world only or every world within the
> >empire?
> I *THINK* just that world, but I think it then spreads out too...
> >The reason I ask is that I have noticed that all of my worlds have had
> >the crime increase by about 50 points over one turn. I'm Playing the
> >UEA so selling contra is out and I haven't bought any for a while. (
> >and when I did the contra was used by the redistribution centre.) This
> >crime increase has been seen in the last turn since host 190. Is it a
> >bug?
> Tim says the maths is "weird". I saw crime fluctuate - a lot - even when
> no contra trading was going on in my test game. I suspect a bug
> 8)
> >
> >Also the use of HG and troops are supposed to decrease crime by a
> >certain amount depending on the amount of HG and Troops on the planet.
> >IS it the case that its either the HG or the Troops doing the crime
> >reducing or is it both?
> It's meant to be both
> > I have a world with 7000 HG and 6 Million
> >troops and the crime is still only dropping by 5 points a turn. (This
> >has been the same for a while and not just in the last host.)
This could be the case if you have a small amount of crime. The more you have the more is the reduction.
What's the amount of crime you have?
GFM GToeroe