This is my first pc build ever and I am just deciding on whether or not it is worth getting a pc or a ps5. How much better would a pc with a ryzen 5 3600 and an rtx 3070 perform when compared to a ps5 in 1080p and1440p resolutions? I am looking for a pc experience that is equivalent or better than a ps5 but the 3070 is quite hefty in price. Perhaps there are gpu's that will be less expensive that can get me the same performance or better than a ps5? I'm just hesitant because buying the 3070 would jack up the price of my pc to $1900 cad and I am trying to save as much money as possible. I have been a console gamer my whole life and i'm afraid that if I buy a high end build, I might not be able to fully appreciate it's power/capabilities because im not familiar with pc gaming even though I want to be. Maybe there are more modest builds that could give me a similar experience and not almost cost $2000 cad. Maybe a 2060 super would be just fine for games like cyberpunk 2077 at 1440p ≥60fps or at the very least 1080p, ≥60 fps? Or maybe if the price of the 2070 super drops that it could be a good choice?